SM's new girl group application

Username: dino-nerd525

Full Name: Shin Yeon Ra

Nickname/Goes by: Yeonnie

Stage Name: RaRa (optional, you don't have to put in story if you don't want)


Birthday: 4/18/1993

Height:167 cm

Weight:49 kg/108 lbs

Position in group: Main Dancer, vocalist

Likes: Beaches, Road trips, sports, listening to music, long showers, painting, sleeping in

Dislikes: Bugs (especially spiders), cooking, sweets, dramas, waking up early, going to the doctors/dentist

Back-up (Min Hyo Sun):

Appearance (Kim Da Hyun):

(I switched the appearance with the back up coz I liked my back up better, so my appearance is on the bottom, backup on top)

Special talents: Dances very well, speaks many fluent languages, very flexible, can play flute and piano, draws very well

SInging: Srry, didn't do it, couldn't find one :P

Traits:Is very respectful to others and acts very mature, yet can be fun loving at the same time, very humorous

Habits:Rolling her eyes, snoring, snorting when she laughs, puffs up her cheeks

Hobbies:Dancing, reading, playing sports (especially tennis), oragami, tae kwon do

Birthplace:Sacramento, CA (is able to speak fluent english)

Ethnicy:Half Korean, Half Vietnamese


Background:Yeon Ra was born in Sacramento and has lived there since she was 9 years old until her family moved to Korea because of her dad's new job and moved in with her family there (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.). Because Yeon Ra didn't want to leave America, she expressed herself by dancing, which made her realize her dream, and auditioned for SME.

Trainee years: 4 years


-very competetive, epecially when it comes to sports

-is very shy when you first meet her

-likes wearing nerd glasses for no reason

-has always loved kpop but fangirls on the inside so no one thinks she's crazy

-was a model as a kid before a kpop idol


Mai Trinh: Yeon Ra's Vietnamese mother has always loved watching Yeon Ra dance, and now that she's famous for it, she couldn't be more proud. She is a rich CEO for a large company.

Shin Do Jung: Yeon Ra's Korean father never really did care for Yeon Ra very much, since he was very busy with his work. He never payed much attention to what she did and never attended any of her dance recitals or concerts. Yeon Ra is used to not having him there.

Shin Hyun Ae: Yeon Ra's caring older sister was always there for her when she was feeling down or upset, either by her father or the fact that they were moving to Korea. Hyun Ae has always been a role model for Yeon Ra and hopes to be as kind and caring as her. However, Hyun Ae moved back to America to study.

Love interest:

-Kim Jonghyun and Yeon Ra were always bickering, but Yeon Ar secretly had feelings for him

-Choi Minho has always cared for her even though they don't talk very often

-Bang Cheolyong (Mir) always made her laugh and comforted her when she was down

Rival: Park Gyuri (KARA) and Yeon Ra never really saw eye to eye since they had different likes and dislikes and were constantly fighting (Not really rival, but someone she fought often with)

Friends: Nicole Jung (KARA), Kim Kibum (SHINee), Sunny, Hyoyeon, Yuri (SNSD), Nichkhun (2PM)

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you'll pick me! I'll still support your story! :)))))))

Password:SHINee ^_^



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