SHINee's Hello Marriage Application

Hope you enjoy and I did nothing wrong! :)

Username: dino-nerd525

Ulzzang name: Kim Seul Mi

Name: Lee Eun Jin


Age: 17

Personality: When you first meet her, the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Eun Jin is shy. She is very insecure and quiet around others, but as you get to know her better, she is very outgoing and fun loving. She tries to act mature and serious to show herself as a girl who can be strong around others, but can't help it sometimes when she needs a good laugh. Despite her appearance of a girl who cares more about her looks, Eun Jin is more on the tomboyish side where she prefers sports instead of beauty sessions. She doesn't show it on the outside, but Eun Jin can be a big spazz and gets nervous at times. She is used to hiding her true personality and colors, for she fears what people would think of her if she acted that way.

Unique facts: Eun Jin gets very car sick , has a BIG fear of spiders, loves being around babies, wants to be a marine biologist, straight A student, can be a blabbermouth at times, can't cook, has very cute aegyo but doesn't like to show it, and lives only with her mother, for her father passed away in a crashing plane.




-magic tricks




-ice cream



-being in one spot for too long

-showing her true self

-being in places wih lots of peoplpe


-rap music

-bugs (especially spiders)

Baby appearance:!

Baby name: Up to you

1st: choice: Minho

2nd choice: Jonghyun


Thanks for reading! I hope you pick me! :)))))


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JojoHendrix53974 #1
Hey, it's Jojo! I noticed (as did you, apparently) that you chose the same ulzzang as another applicant. Normally, this wouldn/t be an issue until the applications progressed to the final round, but i really like both of your apps, so if you could possibly find another ulzzang, I would be very grateful, as it saves trouble later