If Chanyeollie plays Nakatsu in Korean Hana Kimi I swear, I really swear...





I'm gonna marry Lee Soo Man.


But fyeah, SsulYeol is like my forbidden OTP! (along with BaekStal) JungLi is like my female version of BaekYeol so fck it, if Chanyeol becomes Nakatsu it will be perfect!!!!!

Taemin will be okay as Nakatsu too but Chanyeol will be great. And with all these exposure from Twinkle MV hinting he could be a good actor, he must be a part of Hana Kimi too, no? kk. Chanyeol as Nakatsu is perfect because he's so inlove with Mizuki and Mizuki only had her eyes for Sano (poor Nakatsu T^T) and a very inlove and very broken Chanyeol would just be.. kjhdasgdfhjsgdfsdhgbfhj!!!!

In TTF, SsulYeol and BaekStal were like the hidden OTPs, you have to read between the lines to see their moments, kk. I have so many plans for that fic, just give me time so I could update it, lol.

In the Japanese Hana Kimi, I liked Nakatsu better than Sano and there was that time I wished Mizuki will pick him. I hope, whoever ended up playing Nakatsu (still hoping it's Chanyeol or Taem), he'll do the part well ^^ Just like how Ikuta Toma did it, gawd I love that boy  ;~;

Now I shall prepare my heart for a possible MinYeol/2min kiss, muahahahaha XDDD







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i actually was hoping this whole time that kris(since hes so friggin tall) would be sano and hae or hyukkie would be nakatsu <.< but thats just me >.>
I'm with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE NAKATSU MORE THAN SANO TOO!!!!!
that would be epic!! Chanyeol should definitely play as Nakatsu! We should beg SME for it XDD
chanyeol!!!!! xD
OMG, Chanyeol acting *^* Where did you hear about this? Gah, I'm so excited now! Taemin would be good too though, but I wanna see more EXO/SMTown interactions and this will be a great oppurtunity.
I also hoped for Chanyeol because I think he can pull it off~ XD

Nakatsu has always been my favorite character in Hana Kimi~ XD Along with creepy guy that is~ XD
LOL! It'd be interesting to see Chanyeol in a drama ^^ I don't mind at all :)
Chanyeol + Sulli

I approve (Y)
omg. he'd be the best nakatsu! i was think who i thought would suit. but i still dont like minho and sulli as the leads. :(