OOC: *sobs forever*

This story......

A lot of people said that they couldn't stop sobbing and shizz. But I was like "Pfftt I'm not gonna cry" (even though I cry easily).

So then I start to read it..

"It's not that bad"

5 minutes later

"I'm still not crying"

Another 5 minutes

".....Not gonna cry ;__;"

Another 5 minutes

". I'm not crying ;~~~;"

*Finishes reading*

*locks myself in the bathroom and sobs*

True story TT^TT

And then I just finished reading the Side story/sequel

I seriously can't see if I'm writing this properly cuz of all these ing tears.

He cried. He ing cried in the end alijwnaowhndh

I sobbed for like ten minutes and I'm still tearing up TT^TT

*ugly sobbing* My...I...can't....all these feelings at once alskwoanqlnisjkdjhbsihn

Read the stories! all of it TT^TT

I need someone to hold me ;___;


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