Lying to Yourself

I thought always choosing the right thing to do didn't have a backfire. 

But sometimes, or maybe more often than not, the right thing is against what you really want.

You can get so used to holding back just to give way to what is right.

Then all of sudden you realize, you don't know who you are anymore.

A normal person makes mistakes, a normal person occasionally does something unpleasant.

But for you, once you commit something wrong, its like the world just fell on you, and everyone starts hating you.

You had been lying to yourself and to the people around you.

So as early as now, don't force yourself to be so good.

But that doesn't mean you have be bad. 

We are all born good. 

That's who you are. 

But still, we are all born to imperfect.

Just stay strong and take responsibility.

Be honest. 

Be who you are.


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