Yo! Wassup?

click on the gif to go to the rp!

Hey guys, I'm gonna need an admin for my RP, "Hot Summmer". If you have been an admin before on a roleplay and know how these stuff goes then message me (by PM) saying that you want to be one. And please include former RPs or current RPs you have been on. I'm sort of like the manager of a club interviewing someone and checking their resume. But still...PM me saying that you have been an admin before, you know how these things goes, and you wanna be one for my rp.

(My jobs for you will be: to make blogposts to add and unfriend people, check to see if anyone is behaving right (you can have some fun too; you don't have to do this 24/7), and help explain somethings to people if they don't understand. Basically the jobs aren't that important, but you still need to do them though. And don't worry too much on the add and unfriend people thingy, I'll help you out on that)


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