Random Spam From Ari!!!!

Okay so totally feel lik being random right now, sort of in celebration of becoming the Salutitorian of my school, being half a spanish course away from graduating and having just gotten home three hours ago from my first ever K-pop party ^^ so here we go.


First off, this is me Ari:


and this is a bad picture of me in my prom dress....(My prom is on the 12th...so this is from when I got it)




and now the real spam, my kitten Meji and Alia's dog Zephy:


(When I first got her!)

(Her and her favorite toy Zephy)

(Me, Zephy, and my 'brother')


(She litterally posed for this)

(Drama Queen just like her Umma...haha I'm to dramatic at times.)


and that is all for now ^^


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Ari_Zynne #1
NUUUUUUU!!!! Photographic proof I exist O_O ~Zynne