I keep on listen to this song

So this song, Amazing by U-kiss, is like stuck in my head. I keep on listening to it!

I love how Kevin say "It's amazing"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7GBQ-N_xbA

And I really like the high sound thingy.... I can't really explain it. Okay listen at 1:29 to 1:39. I find parts of it cute hehe


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And I also LOVE the beginning. I like what Eli was rapping in the beginning :))
OMG!!!!!! I LOVE THIS SONG TOO!!!!!! =D I already have it in my music player =3 And I like Kevin's part too ^^
Between 1:29 and 1:39, it's rock, paper, scissors! Hahaha, it's so cute <333