Fighting Till The End Application~~~


Username: claudies

Profile: claudies


Name: Im Hyemi

Nickname: Coco

Ethnicity: Half-Korean, Half-Japanese

Hometown: Bucheon, South Korea

Place of birth: Nagano, Japan

Age: 19

Birthday: 03/06/1993

Height: 174cm

Weight: 50kg

Blood type: O

Languages spoken : Korean, Japanese and semi-fluent in English

Personality: She is extremely shy when first meeting people, however opens up very easily. Once that has happened, she's the loudest person there and is quite frankly the 'life of the party'. She can be distracted very easily, which is something she is teased about often. She's still very observant, and picks up many obscure elements. She loves telling jokes; even if they're not funny.

On the outside, she seems like a very tough person due to the way she holds herself, but in truth, she's very paranoid and weak at heart. She's very understanding and is the person that people go to when they want help with something. She's a giver, not a taker, and finds pleasure out of helping people and pleasing them.  Is very playful and extremely competitive.

Powers: Water Affinity (but only when she wills herself)


  • Rain
  • Beaches
  • Dancing
  • Musical instruments
  • Cooking
  • Chocolate
  • Stickers
  • Hello Kitty
  • Swimming
  • Parties
  • Storms
  • Jokes
  • Gardens


  • Liars
  • Spiders
  • Bright lights
  • My biological parents
  • Being judged
  • Being tested to my limits
  • Pain


  • Biting my nails
  • Trying to be the loudest to get my point across
  • Getting too excited
  • Ignoring people when annoyed or confused
  • Daydreaming or getting distracted


  • Reading books and encyclopedias to gain more knowledge
  • Writing songs to play on my guitar
  • Swimming


  • Is extremely messy
  • Has a casual style
  • Extremely emotional
  • Tends to say things in the heat of the moment that she doesn't actually mean (aka. rash)

Background Information: Hyemi's parents gave birth to her in Japan and realised her power after giving her a bath one day. They were insanely terrified as she was just 2 months old at the time, and so they left her at the doorstep of an orphanage with a note explaining her power. She was passed on to a man in Korea who would adopt her, and as she grew up and got to know him as her father, he started to test on her to try to get the most out of her power. This is turn made her more aware of her power and knew how to use it better than most people and their powers. After this sort of training, she became very close to her new father.

Family Members: 
Akari Maeda | 52 | Housewife | Hyemi's biological mother whom she's never met.
Eichi Maeda | 54 | Dentist | Hyemi's biological father whom she's never met.
Im Kwangsoo | 43 | Scientist | Hyemi's adoptive father who is very loving and sweet.

Ulzzang Name: Choi Hanuel

Ulzzang pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Backup Ulzzang name: Kim Shinyeong

Backup Ulzzang pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Partner: Suho (1) or Baekhyun (2)

Why are you enemies with him?: We used to be good friends, but 3 years ago my best friend committed suicide after finding out he cheated on her so I can't trust him anymore. We've also tied for top in the school so naturally, we constantly want to beat each other.

Personality: A little flirtatious, but generally exactly the same as Hyemi. They're so alike that they both find it annoying.

How you act towards him: We act nice towards each other, but we secretly set competitions with each other so we can beat the other. Suho is forced to not use his water powers in front of me since I have water affinity and water helps me, and Suho doesn't want to help me out. I also don't like being helped by him because I feel weak.

Any suggestions for a group name: Anonymous >:D

Password: Kim Sunggyu ♥

Anything else: I don't need to have water if I get chosen but I think it would be a very nice touch if Suho was my enemy. However if it would be Baekhyun, it should be substituted for Light Affinity imo ^^ Thank you~~~ ♥


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