When Will Love Find Me Application~~


Name : Im Hyemi (Nickname: Coco)

Appearance :  http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kv6ksv8YMv1qzirodo1_500.jpg

Hyemi isn't too miffed when it comes to her appearance, however won't leave the house without her BB cream and a dash of lipgloss. She's quite tall (176cm) with long legs and has a history of modelling but quit to focus on her studies. She looks good in anything and her style sways from time to time, but whatever she throws together compliments her very well anyhow. She has a fond liking towards comfortable clothes such as sweater dresses and skinny jeans, but knows when it's the right occasion to break out her heels and flowy dresses. Her complexion is considered perfect by her friends, so she usually wears minimal makeup.


Age : 20 as of her birthday this year


 Birthday : 3rd of June 1992


 Job or Work Status  : Student, however a part-time model for local boutiques and a coffee shop waitress.


 Talents : Can sing extremely well but is rather unco at dancing (she can at least hold the beat... not for very long though). Only a few people know about her singing skills as her modelling usually taken more notice of. She is also fluent in Japanese and semi-fluent in English.


 Background  :
Lived in Korea all her life, however constantly visits family in Japan. Her parents are divorced, with her mother living in Japan and her playboy father currently residing somewhere in Europe with his 5th girlfriend of the year. Has an older brother who is 24 and lives with his fiance in Seoul. Ever since winning an award at her elementary school, her parents always assumed that she was incredibly smart and she is always pressured to live up to their expectations (especially since her brother was a perfect-child). She was never too sure what she would do after school, and decided to study Law at university to 'keep the options open'. She's still struggling to find the perfect mix of social life and study, as she loves catching up with her friends and still has to rake out the grades to prove to her parents she's working well. In order to support herself, she works at her local coffee shop with her best friend and gets called in for modelling jobs every few months or so.


Personality :
She is extremely shy when first meeting people, however opens up very easily. Once that has happened, she's the loudest person there and is quite frankly the 'life of the party'. She can be distracted very easily, which is something she is teased about often. She's very observant, and picks up many obscure elements. She loves telling jokes; even if they're not funny. On the outside, she seems like a very tough person due to the way she holds herself, but in truth, she's very paranoid and weak at heart. She constantly worries that her life is crumbling away around her and it scares her incessantly. She smiles and laughs in order to hide her true feelings. She's very understanding and is the person that people go to when they want help with something. She's a giver, not a taker, and finds pleasure out of helping people and pleasing them.  Is very playful.


Personality flaws :
She's extremely emotional and constantly gets judged for something she's not. Also, she tends to say things she doesn't mean in the heat of the moment, and doesn't think them through when she's sad or angry. She's constantly confused about things, and day dreams often. She's also messy and is very bad at cleaning up after herself.


Physical flaws :
Hyemi's appearance is generally very good, however she bites her nails which she really hates about herself.


Good traits :
She's very easy to get along with and knows how to cheer someone up. She is able to manipulate her voice very well, so around people she doesn't know too well, she has a very dainty voice. When she's with her friends or 'open', her normal voice is a perfect mix of both pitches. She may be studeous, but she still very social and is known around for being a very nice girl. She has the ideal life, according to the people who see her from the surface. Because she has a background in fashion, she continued to leave her friends on awe with her outfits.


Hobbies :
Reads novels + manga and sings along to her music. Is a member of her local badminton club and such is her source of exercise. She also likes putting together amazing birthday presents for friends, so plans ahead. 


Fears :
She has a fear of spiders and insects. She believes she isn't doing a good job of being a friend and is worried that they'll all leave her. She's afraid of the dark, and seeing others cry, as she knows she will cry too. She's also afraid of storms, due to her parents divorcing on a stormy night.


Mother: Jung Heeyoung: 51: Used to be a university professor, however has retired and stays home. Very close to her mother.
Father: Im Jiyong: 50: Lawyer and self-proclaimed bachelor. Increasingly distant to her father.
Brother: Im Changmin: 24: Hyemi’s older brother. Is very annoying most of the time, but is still a loving older brother regardless. Very close.

Best friends: Kim Joonmyun :20 : Went to the same school as Hyemi, and was very friendly with her. They met up after their graduation and became very close. Goes by Suho frequently, and has had a crush on Hyemi since their childhood. She liked him back then aswell, but he had a girlfriend so she was heartbroken and gave up trying. She still has underlying feelings for him but overlooks them. Goes to him for boy problems, which he helps with but is ultimately uncomfortable with because he feels jealous. Is the perfect best friend.
Kim Ara :22 : Is the manager of the coffee shop Hyemi works at. Is the older sister Hyemi never had and gives her alot of advice.


Love Interest

Crush: Kim Joonmyun: 20: (Look at bestfriend section) : Very friendly and funny. Has a beautiful smile and has many people lusting over him, to which he shrugs off. Not incredibly sporty, but loves a good game. Studies Law with Hyemi and is acing it completely. He is constantly in a friendly competition with Hyemi to beat each other. Likes Hyemi but understands that she probably won't like him any more than a friend. When he realises that she has feelings for him but denies them, he suddenly feels as if he has a chance and goes all out for her to admit to them.


Crush: Kim Sunggyu: 23 : Kim Ara's older brother. Has a girlfriend called Shim Seohyun, who's very innocent and sweet. Hyemi had a crush on him since spotting him at his sister's coffee shop and serving him. He's naturally flirtatious but means no harm. However Seohyun sometimes bores him, so he secretly has been searching for another girl to have on his arm. He's extremely kind and loving, only if he is satisfied first.

If Hyemi was to be in a romantic relationship, she would be up to try new things and would do anything to make her other half happy. She wouldn't be completely hopeless and dump everything on the guy, but loves to let go every now and again and be codependent. She loves someone who can be there for her, so she can be there for him in turn. She's very playful, and that would show in her relationship. Is not as innocent as everyone thinks...

 Additional Info:

This is my first time applying for apply fics so I hope this suffices~~ ^^ I don't really mind who is the main character out of Gyu or Suho :) Also idk I think Suho/main character could always be a friend with benefits in addition? hohoho


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