It's Great Being A Girl!

Today, I had the LOL-est moment with my umma during lunch.

Our school, is an all girls' school. (sadly, lol jokes.)

Well, our school rules say we're not allowed to go to the classrooms and lockers during lunch or recess, and we must be elsewhere. We're also not allowed to bring our drink bottles and containers into the library. -.-" DML (Damn My Life)

Today, I had pasta in a container. And umma and I wanted to go to the library. Sooo...

We had no choice but to go to our lockers... Of course, we've broken the above rules plenty of times. And in so many ways. XD

When we turned the corner, we walked almost right into one of the male teachers...

So... this was the short and awkward, yet funny, conversation we had...

Teacher: Hi girls.

Umma: Hi sir.

Me: ....(???)

Teacher: What are you doing in here?

Umma: Getting stuff.

Teacher: Hmm... what stuff?

Umma: *smiles* Female STUFF

Me: *smiles* ... (BAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Teacher: Female stuff... *runs walks away*

-Convo end-

So umma and I quickly run up the stairs to our locker and crack up like there was no tomorrow. I choked on water when trying to calm myself down with a drink. Umma then tells me that she thought of it out of the blue. Such luck!

Mr. Teacher was probably so surprised. Maybe our school will scare him into resignation?? hahaha. It's not the first time awkward situations like this has happened... around that same teacher...

There was this other time...

...well, that's another story. ^^


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Kind-Hearted_Devil #1
I lol so hard @ that conversation
Bloody awkward XD!!!