Girl's Best Friend App


Name: Dom Nayumi (Lee Kyu Hae)

nickname: Nayumi

Age: 16

Birthday: February 29th

At first, Nayumi seems like a cold and arrogant person. She holds a barrier around herself that is very hard to break. She does it to keep people at the distance from herself so they don’t get hurt when she has to leave them. And she hates hurting people. Maybe it doesn’t seem, but Nayumi likes when people are happy. It makes her happy as well. She’s not actually as cold as it seems. Nayumi is just a normal teenager. She’s rather very bubbly and carefree, sometimes even rebellious. She can sometimes be dirty-minded and has a very sharp tongue. She rarely thinks before saying something which often gets her into trouble. However, if she thinks she has to, Nayumi will take responsibility for her actions and apologize. But she’s still very kind and gentle. Living on her own, she’s independent and doesn’t require anyone’s help. However, when someone else needs help, Nayumi is the best person to look for. She’s thoughtful and cares about those who are important to her and would do anything for them. It’s not easy to piss Nayumi off but when she’s pissed off, it’s really hard to take her down. She has a great pride and would never cry in front of someone. She’s more of a suffer-in-silence kind of a person. She also prefers keeping her life for herself and doesn’t talk much about herself.

Uzzlang: Lee Da Som - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Back up uzzlang: Do Hwe Ji - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Nayumi was born as Lee Kyu Hae. She was a younger daughter and let’s just say she wasn’t planned to be born. She was born to a wealthy family, her parents both being owners of powerful companies. Kyu Hae’s older brother Kiseop was always more loved by their parents, as he was being raised to continue his parents’ business. Kyu Hae was always put aside and was underestimated, she was being raised by maids and butlers, her parents rarely around. Even when they were there, they would always look for a way to bring her down or humiliate her. Kiseop, however, disliked that and was always trying to stand up for his sister. Kyu Hae and Kiseop actually got along very well and loved each other like brother and sister should.

As Kyu Hae was growing up, she discovered her powers and was very proud of herself. Being an independent type of person, she learned how to control her powers herself and she learned a lot about magic from the mansion’s library. She became a witch, which didn’t please her parents at all. They were starting to treat her like , sometimes even harassing her verbally or physically, hitting her. As she grew, Kyu Hae was starting to develop rebellious attitude towards her parents which unfortunately didn’t help her situation.

When she turned 14, Kyu Hae decided it was enough and she decided to leave her family. However, complications came up, she had a fight with her brother that didn’t go well. She nearly killed her brother as he got drowned in the lake when Kyu Hae lost control over her powers. Of course, her parents were furious about this and Kyu Hae ended up escaping from her family. Since then she’s always been on the move, moving from place to place until she finally settled down in one place where she was sure no one from her family would find her. She changed her name into her usual nickname her brother gave her, Nayumi, and she also changed her surname into an uncommon one, Dom.

Lee Dong Shin | 50 | Father
Lee (Hwan) Chun Hyeon | 43 | Mother
Lee Kiseop | 21 | Older Brother


  • Reading
  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Stargazing
  • Kickboxing


  • Swimming
  • Sports
  • Listening to music
  • Stars
  • Sea, Ocean
  • Books
  • Animals
  • Freedom
  • Rain (only during days)
  • Motorcycles
  • Children
  • Fruit
  • Dancing


  • Fighting for no reason
  • Cats
  • Nagy people
  • Two faced people
  • Cruelty
  • Spicy food
  • Nuts – she’s allergic to them
  • Reptiles
  • Heels


Darkest Secret:
Nayumi's real identity is her biggest secret. Nayumi escaped from her family after they literally trated her like . She has changed her name from Lee Kyu Hae to Dom Nayumi so that they can't find her (which they were trying of course). She keeps her personal life and real identity a secret, as she always has to be on guard to run away if someone finds her because she just doesn't want to go back to her family. Luckily, she's very good at keeping her secrets.

Secret wish:
She wants her loved ones to love her and accept her for who she is and find a person who will love her and protect her no matter what. She also wishes she doesn’t have to hide from anyone anymore and can see her brother Kiseop again to apologize for nearly killing him.

Element: Water

Friends: Hoon [U-Kiss] | CL [2NE1] | YunHo [TVXQ] | EunHyuk [Super Junior] | DongHae [Super Junior]

Any ex-boyfriends: SooHyun [U-Kiss] – Nayumi left SooHyun because she had to leave the town (her family found her)

Pet: MinHo :)

What type: Bird

Breed: Hawk


picture of animal:

How's you get him
Nayumi was taking a walk down the beach when she ran into an injured hawk. She took it home and took care of it only to find out that it was not an ordinary hawk.


Any extra:

  • Nayumi can breathe underwater and has a very good hearing and eyesight. She can also swim really fast.
  • Has bright blue eyes that glow when she uses her powers and her highlights change colour when she gets into contact with water.
  • Has a birth mark on her neck in a shape of  a star and also has few scars on her back from her parents’ beatings.
  • Can tell apart a lot of stars in the sky.


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xotontonja #1
Doing good, dongsaeng~! Love this character...personally :P And Kiseopie~! ^^