
Okay. This has absolutely nothing to do with anything outside of Pittsburgh.

Well, not much, anyways.


So, I'm pretty sure that my profile says I'm from Pittsburgh.

And if you're from the US (or maybe somewhere else - I'm not sure how infamous it is), then you've probably heard of Pittsburghese.

It's basically the dialect Pittsburghers use when speaking.

Classic examples include:




One of my favorite phrases:

"Allegheny whitefish" (refers to a floating in the Allegheny river, although it's called this whether that's the river it's floating in or not)

For an example:

"Hows about you 'n me head dahntahn for a sammich n'at?"

Or another:

"D'jeet yet?" (I am very guilty of saying this phrase.)

You get the idea.

I accepted that I speak this way a long time ago. (Although I only say one of the four things listed above...)

But it wasn't until today when I went onto pittsburghese . com that I realized how much so.

Seriously. Like 'alf my vocabulary is in 'at thing. (See what I did there? That's how I talk.)

I mean, I didn't realize how many of those words/phrases I say.

Really, it amazes me.

I also realized, that as good as my grammar is (which is pretty damn good, by the way), I sometimes fall completely into the grammar-and-pronunciation-killing dialect that is Pittsburghese.

So that's about it. You should check out this site if you're confused about this n'at in this post, or if you find the subject interesting at all:

www . pittsburghese . com


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Hold up. you live in pittsburgh?