possible Group Introduction/Greeting: From the highest of Heavens to the deepest of Hells, the fallen angels: Ly&Ly imnida <3
possible Fanclub Name and the reason&meaning/s: Athena because she is one of the Pantheon, so she is heavenly, but don't mess with her because she is the Goddess of War as well.
possible Fanclub Color/s: black and white
possible Fan Symbol/s and the reason/s: red rose with thorns because they are beautiful but dangerous
possible Balloon Design/s: hmmm i don't know, sorry!

possible Website Name/s and the reason&meaning/s: because there are two Ly's
possible Youtube Acct: lyx2official
possible Twitter Acct: lylyofficial
possible Me2Day Acct: lyx2official
possbie Fan Cafe Name/s and the reason&meaning/s: not sure...

possible Debut Album Title and the reason/s: Two Faced: because there are two sides
possible Song Title Track and the reason/s:
possible other Song Titles for the Album:
if you were chosen, possible Solo Track on the Album: Navi - Hello
out of SHL's other artists, possible featuring from: JAEWON aka Aerotrix from Flying Dumpling <3

possible Reaction/s when Chosen: shocked. she pretty much just stares at them, blinks, stares some more, and then calmly says thank you. later when she is out of the presence of the others, she calls her friends and FREAKS OUT.
possible Reaction/s to shooting for the Teaser Photos: ummm idk?
possible Reaction/s to meeting the Managers: NEKO! <3 Haha we can relate since we're both from Osaka! That means a lot of Kansai-ben and talks about takoyaki and Kanjani8 <3
possible Reaction/s when visiting and now going to be staying at the Dorm: *blinks rapidly then pinches self* Wait what?
possible Residence at the Dorm, bottom or top bunk: either


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haah thank you so much for your input. =]
and... ahh i see Jaewon is there, and Neko~ gotten to know more about your character, she's definitely cute, but like the friendly cute not the trying to be cute cute. yeah~ lol thanks~ =]