

Okay, so I'm sure all of you SONEs have seen and spazzed over TaeNy's teaser videos for Twinkle and are eagerly waiting for Seobaby's and the actual MV, which means we're on the same page.

BUT, does anyone know where we can pre-order the album? 

I know there's a mass pre-order group on Soshified, but I don't really have the relations nor do I know how it works; is there a website that legitimately has pre-orders? 

I would really appreciate it if you guys could point me out to it ^^


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Da Twinkle guise
Da Twinkle

Lol just going around on TTS posts so that I could say that
But unfortunately I' know nothing about pre-ordering,sorry
I preordered with one of those... pre order groups. But it's also going to be available on itunes on the 29th so yay. Other than that, sorry can't help you :\