Frustrations I wanted to lose..

Yeah, it's not healthy to rant online and not tell anyone around you. I know that. I hear it everytime I try to tell people around me what's going on. Either that or their own problems. Sometimes I'm really sick of it, not that I don't feel bad for them or care, it's just that I think that my problems might be a little more severe than how to pick a present for a friend at home. I'm not going to rant about that though, there's something that bugs me more. Why can't I see a normal doctor? Why does it have to be one who tries to pinpoint trouble in my body by using a metal stick? Really, I appreciate homeopathic medicin but can't I just see a normal doctor and have a painkiller every once in a while? It's really driving me crazy..  That was the bad news I guess. Sunday it'll be my sister's birthday, which also means it'll be my birthday three weeks from then. Happy birthday me. I'll probably try and write a special chapter for that, please look forward to it if you read my stories, if you do not, I'm at least happy you took the time to read this. Of course I'm happy as well if you read this while you read my stories too. I'm planning to update tonight as well so I'll be working on that for now :)


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HAPPYY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE::) i'll send you a birthday card:)<br />
jungminian0403 #2
advance happy birthday then! i hope your birthday will be a blast! i mean, i wish all your wishes will come true! good luck on your life! :)