Just kidding... made you read it, huh?? :DDDD ANYWAY...


Time started: 9:01 AM

: F
Birthday: April 1 (I'm not kidding... seriously. People always think that my birthday's a joke. @____@)
Siblings: None... I'm an only child! :D
Eye color: Dark blue/black/brown/combination but it's more of a blue... >.>
Shoe size: 8 1/2 - 9. Idk, it depends, but usually it's like that.
Height: 5'6"
What are you wearing: Red shirt, navy blue shorts and glasses!
Where do you live: Deep inside your <3
Righty or lefty: Right!
Who are your closest friends: SSG. <3
Best place for a date?: Concerts, or even going through records and trying to play them. :)
Where is your fav place to shop: the mall(?) XD
Favorite kind of plant: trees(?) since they give so much oxygen. But I'm not interested in plants.
Fave Color(s): PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fave Number: 13
Fave Boys Name: Hero/Mick/Ryan hihihi...
Fave Girls Name: Kylie/Louranne/Zoey (I was planning if ever I have twins, boy and girl, I'll name them Hero and Hera respectively :DD)
Fave Sport: Badminton! :))
Fave Month: April (cause it's summer and it's my birthday!! :D)
Movies: 3 Idiots, A Little Bit of Heaven, Sky of Love.
Juice: Iced tea. I don't care, don't really like juice.
Finger: the forefinger, since you can do so much with it :DDD
Breakfast food: French toast! :D
Favorite cartoon character: BUGS BUNNEHHH~
Given anyone a bath: yes... but he's a child! :))
Smoked: no.
Made yourself throw-up: at least, not intentionally... :)
Gone skinny dipping: NO...
Eaten a dog: NO!!! How can I eat a dog, for crying out loud!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! HUHUHU...
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: No... not yet...
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
Broken a bone?: Idk, but I know my spine's contorted, in a way.
Played truth or dare: Yup...
Been in a physical fight: yeah...
Been in a police car: NOOOOO~ I'MMA GOOD GIRL!!!
Been on a plane: yep! :))
Come close to dying: Define "Close to dying"... ^^;;
Been in a sauna: Yes~
Been in a hot tub: Yeah~ soo hot... XDD
Cried when someone died: I cried when Rico Yan died. :(( (may he rest in peace. TT___TT)
Cried in school: Yeah, but in the restroom. I hate it when ppl see me cry in public.
Fell off your chair: So many times, I can't remember how many... @______@
Wait for someone's phone call all night: No... :))
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yeah... hihihi :"D
Saved e-mails: some...
Fallen for one of your best friends: yes... and it like ughhhh...........
Made out with JUST a friend?: Nope....
Used someone: How? :/
What is ...
What's your good luck charm?: I don't have any... I just leave it all to God. <3
Best song you ever heard: Northern Downpour - Panic! At The Disco >> the story behind it is sooo beautiful and I could relate (somehow) XDD
What's your bedroom like: well... it has a bed... and a tv... and a bathroom beside it... the bed has pillows and a blanket... it has walls and a door... and light...
Last thing you said: Last thing you said (I read it out loud... can't blame it XDD)
What is beside you?: Empty space... @___@
Last thing you ate: Dinner.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Head & Shoulders...
Best thing that has happened to you this year: So far, my report card grades... :))
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: MY LAPTOP BROKE DOWN AND I HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NEW ONE TO ARRIVE.
Have you had ...
Chicken Pox: yeah....
Sore Throat: ughh yeah...
Stitches: No... and hopefully, never in a million years!!!!!!!!!!! I hear it hurts sooo badd!
Broken nose: I don't think my nose is gonna break cause it's kinda flat... in a way... XDDDD HAHAHA~
Do You.
Believe in love at first sight: No, but I kinda did when I saw my old crush. But now, I don't really like him when I found out he was a total jerk... so love at first sight, for me, doesn't really last. But I think it occurs... or not. I don't usually believe in stuff like this AHHHHHH~
Like school: If they didn't grade us on everything we do, and if I don't have to wake up at 4 in the morning, then maybe I'd like school...
What schools have you gone to: this preschool near my house, D'can and currently, SPCP (Pasig).
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: Logically, it's a smart decision but won't it crawl up my throat?? And it's too cute and I can't do such a thing to it... what the fuuu did the hamster do to me anyway!?!?!?!?!?!
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Someone who can play the guitar and can cook and can build houses and can be rational until we're rescued... :D
Who was the last person that called you: My daaaaaadddd~
Who was the last person you slow danced with: My pillow... HAHAHAHA~
What makes you laugh the most?: The people around me and the stupid things they do (not that I don't do stupid things though XDD)
What makes you smile?: Knowing that I'm still alive and that there's something out there for me :D
Last Person ...
You yelled at: Adam Levine (on TV... hihihi it's because he eliminated Pip from "The Voice" so I'm disappointed and he also eliminated Mathai... the reason why I supported Team Adam was because of Pip & Mathai :(( )
Who broke your heart: Adam Levine (again, because he eliminated Pip & Mathai TT_____TT)
Told you that they love you: My daddum!!! :)))
Is your loudest friend: I can't remember... :)
Do You/Are You:
Do you like filling these out?: Yup!! :)) It's fun!!! :DDD
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses
Do you like yourself: Sometimes I like myself, and sometimes I don't, but it's only because I'm insecure. x))
Do you get along with your family: my mom and dad, yes. my aunt and cousins -  no.
Stolen anything over $50: Idk... I think not. Hihihi... :))
Obsessive Compulsive?: Sometimes... when arranging my play-ons, I arrange them the way they were placed when I first bought them. XDD Is that considered obsessively compulsive? :))
Anorexic?: NOOOOO
Suicidal? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Life is an adventure!!
Final questions:
What are you listening to right now? Somewhere Only We Know - Pip (his cover before Adam eliminated him... huhuhu TT____TT)
What did you do yesterday: sleep.
Have you hated someone in your family: Yup...
Got any awards: Yeah, but not that huge... :))
What car do you wish to have: Hybrid!! :)) Save the earth!!! :DD
Where do you want to get married: At the beach... :)) with the Priest to lead us.. :D
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: That'd be a secret... :DD
Good driver: I don't know how to drive... how do you expect me to be a good driver? :)) I even fail in driving these virtual race cars in arcades. XDD
Good Singer: well... in my opinion, yes I am. XDDD
Have a lava lamp: I wish I did... :D
How many remote controls are in your house: I don't know...
Are you double jointed: No... but I can put my heel on my chin. Does that count? :))
What do you dream about: Performing in front of an audience... XDDD
Last time you showered: Yesterday...
Last time you took a bath: Yesterday...
Scary or happy movies: Happy movies~ :DD
Chocolate or white chocolate: CHUCULET. :)
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Rootbeer FTW! :DD
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O, please! :DDDD
Vanilla or chocolate: CHUCULIT >.>
Summer or winter: Never really experienced winter so Idk... :)
Silver or Gold: GOLD since you can change it for money at a bigger price than silver! :D
Diamond or pearl: Diamonds! :)) cause it's my birthstone... :D
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunsets... :DDDD
Sprite or 7up: Sprite!! ^^;;
Cats or dogs: ARF ARF.
Coffee or tea: Depends on my mood. :/
Phone or in person: depends on my mood...
Indoor or outdoor: I shall sing: I know of a place where you never get harmed~ a magical place with magical charms~ indoors, INDOORS, INDOORS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! take it away, penny~ :DDD
End Time: 9:45AM


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omg hero and hera =)))) parang kapag mismong sa araw ng binyag ko yun narinig, maiisip ko siguro "parang di napagisipan yung pangalan ah. xD" wahahaha!

pareho tayo ng shampoo ~~

ADAM! lskjdhdnsahjfjnsiajkfndsmknf,ds

OTL the last one *face palm*