My Nostalgic Side

As highschool is coming to a close for me I have begun to feel a little bit nostalgic and sentimental over everything...something I did not expect at all!!! When you think about it though, at 18, highschool comprises the bests and worsts of our lives and while the rational part of my brain wants me to forget, I also want to remember. So this is my little rant about things I have learned from highschool. For my dongsaengs on here, maybe you can learn a little from my mistakes, for my unnies and oppas...remembering is reminds us why we are, who we are. Other than that, I need to get this out in order to sleep tonight!

1. Laugh

Laugh when you fall on your face, laugh when you fail, laugh when you snort milk out your nose because somebody made you laugh(SO PAINFUL!). You really do have to learn to laugh at yourself before you can ever laugh at others...laughter really is the best medicine and sometimes it can make the worst day better.

2. Say Thank You

I am so thankful for all of my friends that took me into their group this year! moving senior year was hard, but they made it SOO much easier.

3. Keep an open mind, and heart

I was raised in a bubble and this year I finally broke out of it...I starting liking kpop(HOW THE HELL DID I LIVE WITHOUT THIS???) and now see just how HUGE the world is!

4. Dream too big!

Even if you never reach it, you will achieve some great things along the way.

5. Don't be afraid to take risks.

My grandma once told me 'Roxie, you will never get anywhere in life unless you take a risk.' and if only my 8th grade self knew just how right she was...

6. Get back on the horse

Ok, so this one is a little more literal for me than others. Basically, when you fall down get back up even if it means you aren't going to be able to turn your head for the next 2 days(falling off at a canter is SO PAINFUL)

7. Apologies have their time and place

While I am not a huge fan of saying sorry, I do believe it is neccessary. If you are apologizing for an opinion...don't, you are entitled to it...if you ed up and you realize it, say your sorry and mean it...

8. Be friendly

A smile and wave, hugs, or holding the door for a total stranger go a long way...sometimes we forget that the world isn't full of people who hate life and want nothing to do with us and these things are reminders that their are people out there who are just as friendly as we are!

9. Love

Love your friends, love your boyfriend/girlfriend, love your teachers, love learning...just love life

10. Make a teacher angry!

My math teacher currently hates me because I stopped taking notes and have a 97% besides that...immaturity usually works(and as kids we ARE entitled to it every now and again)

11. Test yourself

Push yourself farther than you think you can...whether athletically, academically or something would be amazed at what you can do when you try

12. Be bold

Sometimes a courageous move is all it takes to get you what you want! (or get you involved in a love triangle :/)

13. Learn another language...

do I even need to explain this on here??

14. Be creative!

preaching to a bunch of a failure, I know :(

15. Take a class you think you would hate

Took AP Chem...thought I would love it...CHEMISTRY SHOULD GO DIE IN A HOLE!!!!!!

Took German...thought I would hate it...LOVE IT!

16. give people the benefit of the doubt

I used to think that everybody was out to get me, then somebody told me that we really have no choice but to give people the benefit of the doubt because if we don't trust anybody we will be I trust everybody until the give me a reason not too(nobody as thus far)

17. Always accept an outstretched hand

Something I learned the hard way...asking/accepting help is NOT a sign of weakness and is OK to do!

18. Rage Quit

Rage quit something...throw a temper tantrum...acting like a child is perfectly fine on an occasional basis


Why you may ask? because 5 years later I skipped 18 and went straight to 19...still can't count...


We all have these days where we feel like a worthless piece of ...some of us more than others...just remember that you aren't and that there is somebody out there that thinks you are worth something...can't think of anybody? I DO!!!

21. Play Golf at least once

hardcore golfer here(can't tell by the name) but everybody should play at least once...teaches patience, discipline, and anger management in a major way

22. Make your own mistakes

My parents told me that keeping my job(45minutes away) was going to be a bad idea...took me a month of working there to figure out they were right but now I can't get a job closer as they are all filled :/

23. Admit you were wrong...

ain't nothing wrong with it, just a part of life

24. Have a job in high school

teaches time management and nothing beats the feeling of money that YOU EARNED through a hard days work!

25. (Because I love odd numbers) don't be afraid to LIVE!!

There is so much waiting for us out there, but we tend to get stuck on little things...I wasted two years of my life in depression where my reason for getting up in the morning had to do with morning announcements...I will never get them back, but I am playing catch up and you bet I am living every second of my life to the fullest! Life is going to throw hurtles in our way, but we gotta take em at a full out sprint and never lose our momentum or we will fall...and even then, we get back up and keep on going....


I SO SHOULD HAVE WRITTEN THIS AS A GRADUATION SPEECH!!!! woulda been sweet :/ shoulda woulda coulda though...if anybody bothered reading all of my rambling, THANK YOU! really it is just me getting it out though...




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funnylittlefishy #1
omo! you ride?? I ride! (well i'm taking a break atm, but still) i have had my fair share of being dumped by naughty ponies lol...( and by ponies i mean horses, ponies are brats, i will never let a pony get me off). do you show? also... CONGRATS ON GRADUATING! the end of high school is a big chapter closing... just think... you'll never have to wake up at 7 EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING again! or at least for the next 4 years or so... i have classes at 11:15 now and i complain about it being to early did i ever manage to make it to school at 8am beats me. Ps. totally going to write on your wall again soon *sweat drops*