
My cousin just like..gave me a bunch of INFINITE fan items~!!!
He gave me 1 infinite poster..of Paradise..!!
Looks exactly like pic below :D...

He also gave me 2 infinite necklaces,1 gold and 1 silver.

Also their album 'Paradise'..with all of their signitures!!

I just like..died inside from an overload of happiness~~~!!!! I even cried when he gave me all of the stuff.
I'm so happy he got to go to Korea..I'm sad that I wasn't able to go with him...  ._.
I really my cousin!!!This is so surprising though..
He was never really nice to me and all so like,that made me even cry more..
I think I have a new favorite XD


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K-popHolic #1
I've been an inspirit since they debuted and this is the first time I've got some of their fan items..
Omg!!! I'm an inspirit and I don't have any of those :( you're so lucky!!!
K-popHolic #3
@LokiCraze123 XD
I mean cousin!
Omg!!! Sooo lucky!!! I got a poster and the cd but not signed!!! Plus the I didn't get a necklace... But thats ok!!! Omg!! You have an amazing friend!! Cx