Exo Guardians 2nd App


AFF Name: TheBestOfKpop

AFF Link:   click!!!


Character Name: Nana Aimi

Guardian Name: Myo (short for Mulyo which means "free" in korean)

Powers: Energy Construct -  Ability to create complex shapes (such as giant boxing gloves or cages) or even functional machinery (such as fire extinguishers or laser rifles) out of solid energy

Prince: Lay <3

Color of Wings: White

Weapon: Katana

Animal Spirit: Panther

Languages:  English, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Latin, Italian

Weakness: Aimi's main weakness is tiredness. When she's tiered or worn out, she has no energy meaning that she can't use her power. Also, if she has no energy using her katana which requires grace and accuracy is almost impossible. This is why Aimi loves to sleep in and is never a morning person.


Personal: (If your too lazy just copy-paste, I'd do that If I were you XD)


Everything new that I added is in italics. If it just gets annoying please tell me and I'll change it. =D

Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye AKA Joo


Aimi is never afraid to speak her mind. If she thinks something, she will say it. It doesn't matter if it is a completely inappropriate or mean thing to say. She believes that we have thoughts for a reason and that reason is so that we can share our thoughts. She is always blatantly honest. She hates lies because they just cover up what should be out in the open. Deceit, lies, and cover-ups are never used by Aimi and she hates when people use them. She believes that the truth will come out sooner or later and better soon than later. How can you solve a problem when all the true and honest facts aren't on the table? You can't. So Aimi doesn't see the point in lies. The problem is that she doesn't believe in white lies either. If you ask her if your hair looks okay and it doesn't, she will say so and with absolutely no sugar coating. Sometimes, she'll even say so without you asking her first. This often gets her into trouble with her friends and fellow guardians as well as the princes.

Aimi is also incredibly free-spirited. She does what she wants to do and no one can stop her. If there's something she wants to do or somewhere she wants to go, she'll do it no matter what anyone says. Once she knows what she wants she goes for it and doesn't let anything get in her way or even so much as slow her down. This causes her to be also very determined. If she has a goal to accomplish, she won't rest until she reaches it. The down side is it causes her to be stubborn. She won't listen to anyone or anything that they have to say against what she wants to do. Logic won't work. She won't listen. Once Aimi wants something there is no possible way to stop her.

She is also very independent. She doesn't like to depend on other people because she believes that she can do anything she sets her mind to on her own. She doesn't like owing people and (hating deceit as much as she does) she is always afraid people are going to betray her if she comes to depend on them. Yes, you could call her paranoid. But she is just trying to protect herself.

The ironic part is that Aimi lets others depend on her. She can be pretty protective of her friends and (as she likes to call the guardians and princes) her family. She hates people who trick them and anyone who hurts them had better be ready to pay. I suppose she could be considered a bit of an umma, but she does it more from the shadows. Most of the people around her don't even notice how protective she is because she does it very subtily such as approaching someone who tricked them and threatening them. This protectivness is the one thing that Aimi believes is acceptable to hide, but if you were to come straight up to her and ask if she was protective of them, she would answer honestly. Of course, no one does that though so Aimi isn't really lieing.

When Aimi is happy, she's a very fun person to be around. She smiles a lot and she is always doing something. She is extremely active and lively when she is happy and you could almost call her peppy. She laughs a lot and cracks a lot of corny jokes. However, when something has upset Aimi, she becomes a slug. She likes to mope and wallow in her misery. It's almost impossible to get her to do anything when she's like this. In fact, its better just to not talk to her at all. She tends to have a hot temper when she's upset and often snaps at people when she's in this mood.

Aimi is a problem solver. She loves to fix things: both actual objects and problems that people are having. Lots of people go to her for advice and to help solve their problems. But be warned, she won't hold back. She'll tell u her honest opinion and help you if she can, but don't expect too much comfort or sugar coating.


  •  honesty
  • jokes (when she's happy)
  • sleeping - when she's tired she's weak
  • working with her hands
  • occasional solitude in order to think to herself
  • her friends and "family" - she loves spending time with them and watching them smile. It seems like an odd twist for a seeminly cold girl, but that's because she hides it well. This is the one thing that Aimi hides.


  • lies
  • fake people
  • accepting help from others
  • people who get offended easily
  • social network sites - (I'm not sure if they exist on whatever planet this takes place on, but it it does then she hates them) They're just one of those things that Aimi can't stand. You can put anything on those sites and people believe it. She thinks its stupid and anyone who uses them is gullable and idiotic.


  • solving problems
  • fixing things - whenever there's something broken, Aimi's the one whose called. She loves to take broken things and make something that works and sometimes she'll brake something on purpose just so that she can fix it.
  • telling people what she thinks
  • traveling - Aimi likes to see new things and go new places. A change of scenery is always healthy.
  • pointing out all the ugly people she sees and their flaws - It's just a fun passtime she calls Ugly v.s. Me and being as honest as she is, she's good at pointing out all the flaws in a random person passing by. She also enjoys hearing whoever she's with laugh at her accussations so this encourages her to do it over and over again. She even sometimes does it about someone that the guardians know well which is even more halarious.



  • good
    • telling the truth
    • helping people that don't know what to do
    • smiling when nothing's funny
    • barely sleeping (which is big for her) until she completes any goals she has set
    • doing what she wants no matter what people think of her
    • watching over her friends and "family" behind their backs
  • bad
    • saying mean (but true) things to people even if it hurts them
    • biting her bottom lip when she thinks
    • smacking away outstretched hands when someone tries to help her up off the ground
    • not listening to reason if she wants to do something stupid
    • letting secrets slip because she always tells the truth




  • favorite food - chocolate (especially dark)
  • favorite color - black - This color is no trick of the light, it's solid and sturdy and doesn't depend on reflected light in order to appear
  • she claims to know latin even though she barely speaks it
  • it is almost impossible to gain Aimi's trust but once you do, you're in her circle until you prove yourself unworthy. If you are in this circle, Aimi will never let anyone hurt you
  • she has never borrowed anything from anyone - Not even a single grain of rice. She always gets whatever she needs herself and she doesn't accept gifts or offers of help except on the rare occassion when the offer comes from someone in her circle and it isn't too big of a deal or can easily be repayed.
  • she isn't a good sharer though occasionally she will allow someone (as long as they are in her circle) to borrow her things
  • she doesn't like dogs though she adores almost every other type of creature - She is actually somewhat afraid of dogs, especially the small ones like Chihuahuas.





Chunji || Wizard || He is shrouded in a bed of lies. He always weaves his way in and out of things by making up incredible lies that fool just about everyone. He gets everything he wants by decieving people and he makes girls fall left and right with his smooth personality and mischevious ways. People like that piss Aimi off more than anything else in the world. Aimi has called Chunji out on this more than once so he absolutely desipses her. Also, Chunji has a tendancy to trick her fellow guardians and (especially when they were younger) the princes. Being protective of the truth and her friends she hates him beyond belief.


Amber || Witch || Amber and Aimi are just those type of people that clicked. It started when they met by chance while Aimi was out in town shopping. Amber was in the embarrassing situation of having a sign stuck to her saying "Just Took A Piss". Aimi walked straight up to her and told her and Amber was eternally grateful. She offered to buy lunch for Aimi and Aimi accepted to have lunch with her but forced Amber to let her pay. The two started talking and bada bing bada boom they were best friends. Aimi started playing her famous Ugly v.s. Me game and that sold the deal.

Kevin || Dangerous Creature || Despite being a dangerous creature, Kevin is actually a savior. At least, to Aimi he is. One time while she was out, Aimi suddenly got the feeling that Lay was in trouble. She ran as fast as her legs could take her, but she was a long way away. She made a really long rope with her energy and tried to lasso him, but he was still a long ways off. When she got there, Kevin was fighting off the huge beast that had approached Lay who was sitting on the ground crying (he was very little). With her katana, Aimi helped Kevin kill the beast, but of course, Aimi felt in his debt which she despised. In return for helping, she offered him her protection he kindly declined, but after hearing her desperate tone he accepted. Of course, being a powerful and dangerous creature he rarely needs her help, but they have grown to enjoy each other's company and see each other every so often.

Eunhyuk || Oracle || Aimi has always been compared to the oracles. She gives advice and fixes problems just like an oracle might. So when she met Eunhyuk and began giving him advice, he was extremely amused. Aimi didn't know he was an oracle, but say him do something stupid and gave him some advice on it. Eunhyuk thanked her and asked if she would like to sit down and have a conversation and Aimi said she would. They had an entire conversation of Aimi giving an oracle advice until it was too much for Eunhyuk to bare. He started cracking up laughing leaving Aimi confused. When he explained, Aimi was slightly mad for him not telling her, but more amused than anything. When Eunhyuk began complimenting Aimi's advice, she decided that he was a good guy. The two now exchange advice often.


Relationship with prince

Lay and Aimi are pretty close with each other. Of course, Lay is one of the few people in Aimi's circle of trust and he is the one person Aimi will even consider depending on. She trusts him like her own child, but she loves him like a brother. At least, that's what she thinks. She's never had a brother so she thinks that feeling attracted to one might be normal. Still, in the back of her head something is nagging at her that she feels more for him. She tries to push it to the back of her head. Sometimes, when the feeling is extremely strong, Aimi is forced to close her eyes and imagine Lay as a baby that she changed the diaper of. She repeats the words "Guardian, Prince, Guardian, Prince" over and over again. It's not that she's afraid he might not feel the same, its that she's afraid of what it would mean. It would mean she would have to trust him whole-heartedly. She isn't afraid of his feelings, she's afraid of hers and she isn't afraid that he'll betray her, shes afraid that she won't be able to trust him and she will ruin everything by being so suspicious and worried. She's afraid that she won't be able to open up for him.

Lay on the other hand, is completely clueless, he doesn't know what he wants or what he feels toward Aimi. He tries not to think about because it's too contraversial a subject.

When they are together, they seem like best friends. They laugh and tease each other and have a good time. Also, when they are alone, they have very deep conversations. Lay likes going to Aimi for advice on everything and she tries to help and fix his problems in any way she can. Aimi also opens up every once in a blue moon and tells him how she's feeling. This is rare though Lay is extremely helpful and supportive when she does open up. They are known to be close, but they never do anything romantic such as holding hands and they only hug to comfort each other and to greet each other.



This isn't a suggestion.... but thanks for another app to fill out =D I mean it. I'm home sick today so I was gonna be bored out of my mind since I don't feel like starting a whole new app, but this gave me something fun to do =D Thank chu ^-^


Maybe a prince falls in love with a guardian that's not his or the other way around. It would make drama and if you want to use this suggestion, I can write a whole new "Relationship with Prince" section for Aimi =D. PM me if you would like me to do that ^-^

What if there is a group of two or three guardians that are evil and actually want the princes dead and are allied with the red forces.

I would love if Aimi got into fights with Lay and the other guardians and princes since she always says what she thinks so people always tell her to stop and she lies once and it has a hugely negative impact.

Also, if Aimi could start to become more and more dependent and open to others that would be good.

Two guardians could get into a huge fight and be using their powers on each other and the princes have to step between them and protect the guardians for a change and they get hurt in the process and everyone's sad and they don't fight anymore but they both think it's the other's fault and the rest of the guardians take sides making a rift in the guardians. (This could be exo-m guardians v.s. exo-k guardains) Or the princes could be the ones fighting and the guardians get hurt and the princes are sad because they love the guardians.

Also, maybe near to the end, like if they reclaim their thrones or at a certain age, the guardians vanish becuase they have fulfilled their purpose. I know this is kinda sad, but it might be an interesting twist and you could bring them back in some magical way if you want.

It would be nice to have Aimi trying to fix a problem, but someone lies and it screws stuff up.

Last one, Lay and Aimi holding hands and everyone freaking out because it's so rare.

I know I said that was the last one, but one more..... maybe there is some romancy stuff between Kevin and Aimi and Lay gets jealous though he doesn't know why and then Aimi is like to Kevin "I can't do this" and Kevin says "Do what?" cause he turns out to be just a natural flirt.

Well, you asked for spam so I hope I helped some =D


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I'm glad you like it =D I thought it would be interesting
'Also, maybe near to the end, like if they reclaim their thrones or at a certain age, the guardians vanish becuase they have fulfilled their purpose. I know this is kinda sad, but it might be an interesting twist and you could bring them back in some magical way if you want.'

I like that idea~~~~~~ XD