I really want to write a multi-chaptered fic


I have so many ideas for mutli-chaptered fics, and actually many of my one-shots are borrowed from multi-chaptered fics that I’ve planned out in my head. The thing is, I’m a little scared to start them because more often than not, I don’t have the patience or energy to keep them going and see them finished. Which is why I stick with these mini-fics an done-shots.

My schedules are pretty busy as well. So I’m always really hesitant. But lately I’ve been reading a lot and I feel jealous because I want to write a really long detailed one also. I don’t know, though. I still have a lot of requests to do and many people have been coming to me asking for reservations for the next time I open up. Maybe once I finish the requests I currently have and finish the reservation ones, I might start one.

I have six new EXO requests and six new SHINee requests to work on. Busy busy busy. But I was seriously contemplating these:

  1. “Cakes” (Lu Han) Redux: Cakes was actually just the first part in what was in my head a very long and detailed fic, which include Lu Han’s answer to the girl who brought him free cakes. I only turned it into a one-shot because it was a request and I wanted it completed very quickly. If I ever get the time though, I am very seriously thinking about turning it into a legit fanfiction piece.
  2. An Untitled Minho piece: Honestly, I have been thinking about this for almost a year now. It’s meant to be a very serious fanfiction which touches up on some more serious themes but I fear it might be too complex. 
  3. Torch Bearer: It was for Taemin but I was never able to get past part 1. I just ran out of time and as I was writing I kept finding little flaws in the plot. But it was really thought out and touched on themes like evanescence of fame and such. 
  4. Untitled Thunder/Cheondoong fic: Did you guys know I’m a die-hard A+ too? Well I am and I was thinking about this fanfic for a long time as well. It also deals with more mature themes but like the others, can get very long and complex and I’m not sure I have the patience for it. 


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Blah, girl I'm in the same boat you're in. I have this amazing story planned out in my head, and I just finished the first chapter which made it the perfect oneshot. & I'm considering maybe leaving it at that because it's so hard for me to dedicate myself to one story, but then it completely depletes the purpose of the story -__-