Le Bad News

So, er I'm sure most of you know what my dream is now... right?

If not here:

" I Tiffany _________ want to be a K-Pop Idol under any entertainment group besides SM " 


Well, AFF has been very distracting for me to fulfill it

So, I'm promoting to High School in like a month and I now have less time to get ready for auditions and shtufff. 

So, I have decided some things.

1.) I will be completing all my stories (which is only like 2) 

2.) After completing my stories, I will shut down my PRS, quit from all PRS that I'm working at and thus delete my account

3.) I may, or may not delete my tumblr (idk if i can do such a thing seob)

So yeah. So in about 3-4 months I will no longer have a AFF.... SEOBB. So, if you want to start talking to me now so I can trust you and give you my fb (like Stephaniederp) then you should hmu asap. ;D 

Okay, I love you all. :D 

(PS It's my birthday on Wednesday LKJFDLKSJDLSKJFKSDHF :'D)


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LittleYasmeen #1
do you have twitter? i already deact my fb.. oh and happy belated birthday ^^
Good luck! And take me with you when you go to Korea ;)
it's ok bby
-ximini #4
asdfghjkl; i'll support you on being a kpop fan!
can i know your tumblr, if you don't mind? because i don't want to lose touch with you~
unless you delete it...
And good luck on becoming a K-pop star~ I'll be your first fan. XD
happy early birthday doe <3