Why? AFF pet peeves

I'm searching for a great story to read because I'm tired of telling myself stories and quite frankly it's nice to read a well thought out story every now and then. I know there are some really talented people on this site, it's just extremely hard to find their stories or their stories aren't exactly what Im looking for. Anyways, I've been searching for some EXO stories and I keep coming across these poorly writen stories.

Seriously, I'm no one to judge, not everyone has the talent to write an incredible story. I get that. I can live with it. What I can't live with is trying to read a story that's suppose to be in 2nd person but is in fact in first person.

If you're a writer and you are writing a story about your reader ( YOU pov ) the story should be writen in 2nd person. NOT FIRST! 

I woke up this morning blah blah blah.. is not acceptable. It should be You woke up this morning blah blah blah..

I can't name  how many stories I've came across that are written in this usual format. If your writing in the I perspective ( first person) then it's not a story about your reader. It's a story about you ( not technically you, but it comes off as a story about you) I guess a better way to explain it is.. t's like reading someone's journal or diary. It's personal. When your writing about your reader it should be impersonal for the writer and personal for the reader. Not the other way around.

The second thing that bothers me is when people write a story about YOU and then they give YOU a name that isn't your name. Gosh, that's so annoying. It's so common on here, I do understand as a writer why people chose to do that. & I can't complain about it too much because I'm thinking about doing in my next story. =.= Only for more relatable purposes. It's easier for a reader to relate to the story if they feel the story is about them. & It's easier for a writer to write a story about fully developed character hense naming YOU, giving you a personality etc. This pet peeve is actually null in void at the moment.

The last thing that sends me over the edge is reading stories about these 17 and 18 yr olds basicallly high school students in these extemely grown up situations.

EX) Becoming a manager of a boy group.. really? Does that even make logical sense. I know its fanfiction and all but COME ON! You're asking me to stretch my brain too far to believe that. Why not just say first year of college intern. That's more believeable and age doesn't have to be specified.

A lot of these kpop idols are young but a lot of them are also in there early twenties as well. ( SHINee, Exo, beast, 2pm,ukiss,infinite etc. ) Okay.. that my little rant on some of my AFF pet peeves.


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I luv this rant of yours. I sooo feel you. There's a list as an avid reader I could go on the ugh I find but it just makes me appreciate to gem finds like your fiction more. =)
l0l! I completely understand what you're saying. I wrote one story in 2nd person and it's just too damn hard. I've read your stories and you do have a talent of writing in 2nd person beautifully. I get where your coming from though, when it pertains to trying to please everyone. I'm a lot more comfortable writing in 3rd person omniscient, but that's like reading a book. A lot of people on here want to read stories about themselves so that kinda makes it hard when you have fully developed characters that have absolutely nothing to do with the reader. So I guess in a way I understand why some writers say YOU but develop a character as well.
I feel where you're coming from. Almost all my stories are written in 2nd POV and I'm actually quite comfortable writing them this way, I'm really used to it. But it's kind of hard to please everyone with this POV. On one hand, people like it because they can insert themselves into the story. And on another, I also have a lot of writers who find it hard to imagine a story with a concrete description of the main girl. So even when I do write a story in 2nd POV, I get sooo many comments of people asking me to give the character a name or make her personality less flat. Actually, I make the "you" characters have a very general personality so readers can insert themselves into this "you" persona. But then it comes off a flat >.< very hard to please everyone. And they also complain that "you" characters are hard to relate to because sometimes the "you" characters are not fans. But at the same time, it's hard to write a good story centered around a fan because some fans are hard to turn into actual 3d characters rather than caricatures. OK, don't know if that actually had to do with your rant, but there's my 2 cents. sorry~