

Ugh, I shall vent to no one in particular because I'm pretty sure no one ever really reads AFF blogs. I don't. Well, occasionally. I woke up around six today determined to write something about Jongin for his birthday. I came up with an idea that was some what of a win win for me. I got my Jongin feels out and I also updated Trading Places. I even wrote the story in first perspective! I haven't done that in such a long time, a little challenging due to lack of practice. Well anyways, I post my update that's nearly 4,000 words and took I dunno a few hours to write and it gets no loveee! /forever alone crying in a corner/ 

I tell myself I write for myself and sometimes I really do. I started this angst story about Taemin, Kai and OC and I started writing it only because I wanted to write a (for myself) but now it's turned into something much more than that and I'm eager to share it. But anyways, Iike I was saying. I write for myself, but damn I write for my readers as well. It's nice reading the spazzing comments, and knowing that I'm not the only one who enjoyed what I wrote. Comments really make me happy. I dunno even the negative ones, the fact that someone took the time to read what I wrote and form an opinion/anyalsis/critique just makes the time and effort I put into writing worth it.  /sighs/ When your writing goes unnoticed it . I presume this is how all writers feel at times.

Well, I'm done venting.

S/N: I read a Choi Jonghun story today. OMG. Like why don't people write about him on this website? That man is one of hell's iest angels.

Started reading a story titled Mannequin, pretty cool so far. (Kai/OC) Unique very interesting.


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Well I just want you to know that I absolutely love your writing. Your Yunho mini fic is the best I have read and considering he's my ultimate bias I am very picky, but you wrote it sooooooooo perfect. And don't even get me started on Trading Places, that awesome piece of work! :)
Awww *pats pats* I really dislike silent readers tho.