» The Real Life


AFF Profile Link: Link

Nickname: Bea



» Basic Information

Birth name: Song Mei Ru

English name: Ashley Song

Age: 21

Birth date: 05/19/91

Birth place: Beijing

Hometown: Qingdao, Shandong

Ethnicity: Chinese

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 45 kg



» Your heart and soul

Personality: Mei Ru is a very loud and outspoken person. She likes to talk and talk about her surroundings. She’s not self-centered; she likes to talk about what she sees around her. She likes to start conversations. She can be sometimes annoying and very talkative. She never wants an awkward atmosphere. She can also be quite playful and childish. She likes fooling around and makes her friends laugh and be happy. She can also be mother-like to her members and likes to cook for them, she also takes care of her members very dearly. She likes to play with her Rubik’s cube. She sometimes doesn’t take things seriously aside from the comments given by their mentors. She doesn’t take negative things throws to her by anti-fans. She can be this playful and outgoing personality OFF CAM. But she can be a serious and charismatic. She gives all her best when performing. At TV shows, she talks the less and just gives her hot image ON CAM. She rarely smiles or laughs. She got that daze that can make guys fall for her. She’s cool and hot at the same time. Her charismatic aura On STAGE and her playful aura off stage are quite really amusing that she can be both at the same time.


• can speak Korean, English, Mandarin and French

• have a very flexible body

• can cook

• knows Wushu

• studied in France for 2 years

• has an idol sibling

• knows how to use a gun


• is on SNSD and 2PM's Cabi CF

• been a student in Death Bell 2

• was on God Of Study

• sews dress for herself and groupmates

• cares about what she wears a lot.

• have two Iphones and and Ipad

• have polaroid camera

• her blood type is A+

• champion swimmer

• travelled to other places at such young age

• studied at Paris


• pokes her cheek when nervous

• counts 1-10 in Chinese before sleeping

•sleep talks in 4 languages

• Bites her lower lip when hurt and doesn’t want to show it

• cries when hears scary stories

• mess her hair when frustrated

• ON CAM when she laughs it will not last for 3 seconds, she’ll change to serious face

• talks a lot


• ballet

• painting

• wushu

• playing violin and piano

•  swimming


• gymnastics

• traditional chinese dance


» Your long time ago history

History: She was born in her mother’s hometown. She was the youngest in her family. She was well raised and was not spoiled. She was a helpful daughter to her family. She was obedient and kind. She always give smile to her family. She studied in Beijing Dance Academy with her older sister, Song Qian. She was a talented dancer and singer but she wished to know more about fashion designing and was sent to Paris. She was young for her age to leave China but as she wished it was granted. She was a top student and a lot admired her. But deep inside her, it was not really her dream. Upon knowing that her sister was a trainee in SMent. She went back to China and told her mother, she wanted to be a singer just like her sister. She auditioned for SMent but was rejected. She was so depressed. It took her 1 and a half year to decide that she’ll be continuing to search for an entertainment company.

How did you discovered?  Originally, Mei Ru auditioned for SMent to be with her older sister Song Qian. During the auditions, Mei Ru got a cold but insisted in performing. While singing her voice cracked. She was then rejected. It took her one and a half year to decide. She was practicing at a park with her friends when she was scouted. She was asked to join the audition and bring the recommendation slip with her. On the auditions, Mei Ru was in good health. She then passed the auditions.

Trainee period: 3 years and 6 months

Trainee life: During her trainee years, Mei Ru did her best in everything. Gained a lot of friends, praised by her mentors. She was asked to star in a CF, do modeling because of her overflowing charisma ON CAM. She also did a cameo in dramas. She was really hardworking during her trainee years.

Which group do you want to be in: AXIZ

» Your love ones [and bad ones]


Song Aibao | 45 | mother | businesswoman

Song Chen | 46 | father | businessman


Song Qian | 25 | sister | singer/idol/ F(x) member


Jeon Jiyoon | 22 | best friend | idol/ 4minute member

Goo Hara | 21 | best friend | idol/ Kara member


Uee | 24 | rival | idol/After School member | hates Mei Ru because Mei Ru is more known than her and has a thing for Mei Ru’s love interest

Love partner / Crush:

Luhan | Exo-M

Kris Wu | Exo M

How did you met?

Luhan | Mei Ru wants to shop around China. When she bumped to someone and spilled a coffee on him. She looked up and saw it was Exo’s Luhan. She apologized and went to buy a shirt for Luhan. Luhan immediately asked for her number, she immediately gave it without thinking.

Kris | She was studying in Paris, when she was asked to go to Canada for a contest where Kris is living. She was seemed lost when Kris noticed it. She helped her and they became good friends. They both didn’t know they are both Chinese.

Love triangle: Yes


» Your pretty face

Name: Park Jiyeon


Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

Back up name: Ham Eunjung

Back up link:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4


» Stage life

stage name: Shadow

fanclub name: Lights

fanclub color: Black and Pink       Piink: #ff66cc

Persona: Charismatic Shadow | Killer Eyes

Position: Jack of all Trades

Main Rapper, Lead Dancer


» Additional [important!]

Password: Luhan | Cute pic. eating luhan~


Group fan club name: Rotation

Group fan club colour: hot pink and red

Request: a sweet scene between mei ru and her love interest.. ^^


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