So I told my mom about my B's.

At first she was super mad like a predicted. She started yelling at me, saying how "it's your dad's fault that you're so careless" and "You can't use your computer until summer" and all that. I cried. Then after like 5 minutes of yelling she just went into her room and told me to play piano. And she asked me what happened and then I told her and she said she thought my teacher was too strict. So she just said that she was grounding me from using the computer for one week.


I'm happy.

It wasn't as bad as I thought. <3

Well, I'm sneaking on here, gotta go! See you next week ._.


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Well, that is the Asian way to punish their son/daughter. I often being grounded and get use to it. But, when my mom is not around, of course i will sneaking on the laptop and just check my tweeter and facebook. Wish me luck for the next test so that i'm not grounded again =]
Hang in there my love! DDX

v That is the Asian way of life.
JinXiChe #3
grounded for getting B's?! so?? O_O;
trinity- #4
Hang in there! <3
HANG IN THERE! You can make it!
/sends endless support and love
Gee I thought my parents were strict. My computer can't be taken away and I got really bad grades. I got the evil letter E & D :OO
see not as bad! dont u feel a little weight has been removed off your shoulders? im glad its over!
see ya
awh, well see you next week :3
Aw that's not so bad at all ^^ We'll all miss you *hug*
see you! *waves*
That's not so bad
I'll miss you :D