User Name : TangNiYa

User Link : >>Here<<

Your Character : Hypo (Hyperactive)

Your Name : Lau Hay Lin

Your Age : 16

Your Birthday : February 29th 1996

Birthday Place : Toronto, Canada

Language : Mandarin [Fluent], Korean [Fluent], English [Fluent], French [Conversational]

You Are : | 1 | 2 | 3 | Park Hyo Jin

If It’s Already Taken : | 1 | 2 | 3 | Kim Seoul Mi

Personality : 
When you first meet her, Hay Lin seems like a rather quiet and shy person but her friends know better than that. Hay Lin is in fact, quite loud, hyper and carefree. She likes joking and playing around but when she needs to be serious, she puts away her childishness and becomes a young adult she is. She can sometimes seem weird, as she has strange habits like stargazing, randomly snuggling up to someone or braiding someone's or her own hair. It's very hard to hurt her emotionally because she ignores most of other people's comments and is very tough. However, if hurt, she will never cry in front of someone and likes to keep her problems and personal life for herself.
Hay Lin is really gentle and nice, very talkative but trustworthy. She's a good listener and a good friend to rely on. However, she can think very dirty and has very sharp tongue. She rarely thinks before saying something which sometimes gets her into trouble but she will take responsibility for her actions and apologize if she thinks she has to. Hay Lin is very smart, hardowrking, talented and is a fast learner. She likes to be independent and respects everyone for who they really are, not for their money, background or what they're trying to be.


Your Past : 
Hay Lin is Chinese born in Toronto, Canada, She was the youngest child amongst her older brothers Henry and Clinton. Being the youngest child, with it a girl, Hay Lin was precious to her parents and brother and was always looked after and it resuletd in her getting very close to her brothers, especially Henry. Most of her childhood, Hay Lin has spent in Canada and was always expected to become an academic lawyer. However, she was more interested in music.
Hay Lin was always influenced by her brother Henry to become a musician. Despite her parents' contradictions, Hay Lin has thought herself how to rap, dance and sing since young, with the help of her brother who taught her how to play piano, violin and guitar. The only thing her parents actually encouraged was her interest in gymnastics until she hurt her back at one of the practices. Despite the injury Hay Lin is still very flexibile but she still turned completely to music after it. She showed a great interest and talent in music, especially , singing and composing. She just knew how to put the notes together and express herself through music and lyrics. She has written several songs that she sang on her auditions. When she was 13, she moved to her brother to Seoul as he was already building a career there. He encouraged her to audition for SM Entertainment as it seemed that it will provide the best future for her and her talents.


How did you Become Trainee : 
When she was 13, Hay Lin moved to Seoul to live with her older brother Henry. She would often go to her brother's performances and practices, sometimes practicing with Henry or Super Junior herself. She was noticed by a numerous idols surounding her and she soon got an offer to audition for SM Entertainment which her brother strongly encouraged and so it resulted with her joining SM.


Likes : 

  • Stars
  • 2NE1
  • Braids
  • Rapping
  • Stylizing her hair
  • Playing instruments
  • Composing
  • her iPod; it's her baby
  • Listening to music
  • Exotic fruits
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Kids
  • Sports; especially gymnastics

Dislikes : 

  • Chocolate
  • Not being allowed to listen to music
  • Nuts
  • Arguing without a reason
  • Liars
  • Scary movies
  • Bad music
  • Reptiles
  • K-Dramas
  • Show offs
  • Bullies
  • Too much make up

Hobbies :

  • Composing
  • Writing lyrics, stories, raps, poems
  • Dancing
  • Gymnastics
  • Playing piano, violin, guitar and flute

Habits :

  • Swears in French when angry or annoyed
  • When sitting next to someone she knows, Hay Lin likes to snuggle up to them
  • She will blow of her bangs if someone is ignoring her or simply bothering her
  • Braiding her hair when her hands are not occupied (or her hair already done :P)
  • Bites her knuckles when angry or on the verge of crying



Cheok Jae Rin | 44 | Housewife | Loves her daughter but mostly agrees with her husband that idol is not the right career path for her.

Lau Xiao Weng | 50 | Lawyer | Cares for his daughter but is not pleased about her career choice.

Lau Clinton | 24 | University Student | Protective and caring over his little sister.

Lau Henry | 22 | Maknae of Super Junior-M | Cares for his sister and supports her on her idol path. Very close.

Partner/Love/Boyfriend/Crush or Anything : Kai [EXO-K]

His Personality : He likes to joke around with Hay Lin. He often flirts with her but Hay Lin being childish and innocent is often blunt of his actions. However, from time to time he can be a jerk towards her especially when he's ignored by her and they would get into a fight. Luckily, he would always be the one to get over it first because he figures that he can't spend a day without being with Hay Lin's cheerfulness.

Do You Have a Relationship ?! : Later on in the story - leaving it up to the author

BestFriends : 
Minho (SHINee) | 21 | Hay Lin met MinHo during her first visit to SM Entertainment when she was 14. SHINee was recording Hello Baby at the time and she accidentally bumped into the lost YooGeun. She played with the crying baby, making him feel better until MinHo came along, looking for YooGeun. Hay Lin and MinHo got along great with each other, MinHo offering great advices to Hay Lin on her rapping, dancing and sports skills.

Kris (EXO-M) | 22 | They met on the plane for Korea when they were leaving Canada at the same time. Then met again at SM Entertainment as trainees.

Zelo (B.A.P) | 16 | The two have a lot in common and got very well with each other at one of Super Junior's performances.

CL (2NE1) | 21 | Hay Lin always admired 2NE1 and CL was one of her idols. The elder was honoured to have such a nice dongsaeng and she's like an older sister Hay Lin always wanted.

Position: Lead Rapper - Main Dancer


Rapping Link: - 1 - 2 - 3 -

Dancing Link: - 1 - 2 - 3 -

Singing Link: - 1 - 2 - 3 - the last one focus on BEG's JeA (the one playing piano)


Your  Fanclub name: Munkey (as in Monkey way)

Group Fanclub suggestions?: (Sorry)

Other Talents: Playing Instruments, Composing, Writing Lyrics

Persona: Charismatic Child

And Finally ECHO-M Or ECHO-K : ECHO-M :)


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Kris is just Hay Lin's friend. Her interest is Kai.
But if it's still a problem I can change it.
Sweet-Cake #2
Euh Kris is taken sorrryyyyy