Soooo...anybody like comedy fics here? :D

I started writing a story that is supposed to be a comedy, but I'm not too sure if I should post it or not. I'm not really a funny person, sooo...I don't know if it would work out or not. So I thought I'd post a preview of a comedy story I started writing here, and I was wondering...could you tell me if you like it or not? Like, that would be SUPER AWESOME! If people tell me they like it then, HECK, I'll post it and write it! :D

The story involves SHINee being stranded on a deserted island with a very y American girl for an American TV show. Other characters will randomly be incorporated into the story, too, but it's pretty much a comedy about living and trying to survive together on this island even though there is an incredible language and culture barrier between them. Meh, it sounds a bit cliche, BUT HEY, sometimes clices can be tweaked and made better, riiiight? :]

Here's the excerpt:


I hate my life.

Yep, that's about it.

I hate my life.

Actually, no. I don't hate my life...
I hate my stupid sister for ruining my life.

Yeah, that's it.

You see, my life didn't yesterday. Nope. My life was perfectly fine yesterday. It was all good...until I got a call from an unknown phone number...

I knew I shouldn't have picked it up. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! But what did I go and do? I, being the dumb that I am, picked up the telephone...even though I didn't recognize the damn number! And who was the one who persuaded me to get off my lazy and go to the phone in the first place? MY SISTER. Of course.

"Why do I have to get off the couch, Amanda?" I asked her as I the cheesy Cheeto remains off my fingers.

"Because I got the phone last time, Emily," She yelled back to me.

I'll have you know that she was interrupting me in the middle of Jersey Shore. Yeah, you heard me - JERSEY ING SHORE. That's, like, muh show, dog.

" could be that one y Guido dude you made out with at Sam's party calling..."

Damn. She knows me waaay too well. She knows that I'd do anything if there's a hot boy involved.

"! DAMN! SHIIIT!" I yelled as I sprinted to pick up the phone before the answering machine could steal the call.

"Hello?" I asked seductively into the phone, hoping that it really was that y Guido dude calling me.
What was that guy's name anyway...?

"Is this Emily Jones?" a male voice asked on the other end of the line.

"You know it. Who's askin'?"

"This is Gary Johnson, host of America's newest reality TV series Stranded..." the dude said as if he was the or something.

"Never heard of you...or your show..." I said as I picked up a nail file and started filing my nails.

"Well, I'm just calling to inform you that you are the winner of our first season qualifier contest!" the dude, Gary, shouted into the receiver, practically blowing my ear drum out of my mouth.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up. Say what, now?" I shouted back as I dropped the nail file on the floor dramatically.

"That's right! You're going to be on the first season of Stranded! Congratulations!"

"Wait, wait, wait. Gary, right?"

"That's what I said earlier..."

"Yeah, whatever. Listen, Gary, I never entered any contest..."

"Is your name not Emily Jones and do you or do you not reside at 213 Mapleberry Drive in New York City, New York?"

"Um...yeah, I do...but..."

"Then it's settled! You, Emily Jones, are going to be on the first season of Stranded! Congratula..."

"Hold up, Gary. What's the catch here?"

"There's no catch. We'll send a car to take you to the airport at midnight tonight."


"See you tomorrow, Emily Jones!"

"Yo, hold up..." I demanded, but the dumb hung up the phone before I could say anything else.

"What...the hell...was that?" I turned and asked my sister.

"What the hell was what?" she asked as she took her eyes off the computer screen she had been staring at for the past four hours straight.

"Some dude named Gary just called and said that I won some random contest to be on some show called Stranded? Oh, and there's a car coming to get me at midnight and take me to the airport? Yeahhhh...I think it's just some drunk bastard prank calling or something..."

"Um, Emily...that's...that's not a prank call..." my sister said as she got up from the computer chair.
WHOA. She got up from the computer chair.
This is serious.

"Whatchu talkin 'bout, girl?" I asked as I put my hands on my hips and popped a piece of chewing gum in my mouth.

"Weeelll...ya see...I kinda...sorta...entered you in that contest..."

"You did WHAT?" I yelled in a very pissy tone of voice.

"Yeah, well, that's what you get for making out with John Smith. Dude, you knew he was MINE! I called that !"

", yo, I didn't know! You never called him! All you said was 'damn, that boy is fine,' you never called him or anything..."

"Well, that doesn't matter anymore. The point is, I was mad at you, so I entered you in that contest. I...I didn't think you'd actually win! THIS IS SOOOO HILARIOUS!" my of a sister said as she started laughing her off.

"You better watch your back from now on, sis. I might just cut you..."

"Chill, girl, chill. All you gotta do is film the damn show and then you can come back and sit on your lazy and watch Jersey Shore and eat Cheetos all you want. Kay?"

"Damn right I can!" I said angrily as I walked off to my room to start packing.

Ain't nobody can separate my from my couch, TV, and chip bowl for long. Don't care how attractive the person is who's trying - after I'm done making out with him, I'm back on the couch. That's just the way life works, bro.

Yeah, well, now look at where I am.
On a plane.
Headed to the middle of ing nowhere.
I don't even know where the I'm going!
All I know is I'm supposed to be going to some...deserted island or some like that.
Damn, I wish I was back at home sitting on the couch.
I really miss my couch.
that stupid sister of mine.
I hope she realizes that she's the worst sister in the history of all sisters for making me do this dumb show.

Eh, whatever. I'm too lazy to care anymore.
I'm just going to listen to my ipod, eat some Skittles, and start texting that dude I made out with last night.

I put in my ear buds,
Leaned my head back on the seat of the airplane,
And just let the words of Lil' Wayne put me to sleep.

Now tell me how you love it
You know you at the top when only heaven’s right above it
We onnn
It’s Young Money motherer
If you ain’t runnin’ with it, run from it motherer
Now somebody show some money in this
And I got my B’s with me like some honey in this , ya dig?
I got my gun in my boo purse
And I don’t bust back because I shoot first.

The boys were all silent as the car continued to speed down the road. They had been arguing with their manager for the past hour or two about their so called 'vacation' plans. They couldn't believe that their manager would do something this terrible to them.

"But, manager, you said we could finally have a break! This just seems like another promotion to me..." Onew said while crossing his arms and slumping against the back seat of the car.

"Yeah, seriously, manager-hyung," Jonghyun said as he climbed in the back seat next to Onew, "You promised us a vacation months ago!"

"Look, boys, I don't know what you're complaining about," the manager started as he seated himself in the front seat next to the driver, "This is like a vacation! Look, there's going to be sand, and surf, and know, vacationy stuff..."

"Yeah, but manager," Minho began as he sat himself next to Jonghyun, "There's going to be a camera on us the entire time."

"Plus everyone is only going to speak English!" Taemin interjected as he took the seat behind the manager's. "Do you know how hard it is for me to speak English? It's like a constant brain workout trying to decipher what they are saying and then trying to reply back without sounding stupid! Those Americans...their speech is really strange..."

"Tell me about it," Key blatantly stated as he slid in next to Taemin, "Americans really do speak weirdly. What if we don't understand them? What are we supposed to do?"

"Would you guys relax," the manager cut in before another group member could respond to Key's question, "Key, you speak English at a very proficient level, as do you, Onew. And Jonghyun, Minho, and Taemin can understand English very well. You guys will be absolutely fine."

"That's not the point, manager-hyung," Jonghyun disputed, "You tricked us into thinking this was going to be a vacation. The only reason we agreed to go overseas was because we thought it would be a chance for us to relax, but all we're doing is another schedule!"

"Jonghyun, you will have time to relax. You guys will be on a deserted island! Trust me, you'll have plenty of time to..."

"Hold on! Did you just say we'd be on a deserted island?" Key shrieked in horror.

"Well...yeah! Doesn't that sound exciting?"

"Manager! How could you do this to us?" Key shouted in anger. "There's no malls! No. Malls."

"Key, it'll be an adventure! Just think about it! You guys will get to fend for yourselves for once! Plus, you'll be far away from any screaming fans..."

"Manager-hyung's right," Minho asserted in a monotone voice, "It would be nice to go unnoticed for a while. Plus, battling the forces of nature sounds kinda cool..."

"Psht, it sounds cool to you, Minho," Key replied ily, "But it doesn't sound cool to me. I want to stay in a hotel and eat freshly cooked meals and go shopping and..."

"Alright, alright, ENOUGH!" the manager shouted in irritation, "You all are going to do the show and there's nothing you can do about it. This will be good for your reputation as well as for your popularity. I'm sure that by the end of this show, you'll have some American fans. Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

"Well, yeah, I guess..." the boys all said in agreement.

"Well, that settles it then. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take this call. So, this discussion has ended. That's it. Goodbye. See you later."

And with that, the boys were cut off from communicating with their manager any further.

"You know, this might actually be cool," Onew finally said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I mean...I've always wanted to be known in America," Key said while taking off his headphones to join in the conversation.

"Yeah, who knows? Maybe if we do this, we'll become popular in America and finally be able to meet some of our American idols!" Taemin said in excitement.

"Yeah, we can finally meet Usher," Jonghyun interjected enthusiastically.

"And I can meet Kesha! And Beyonce!" Key practically shouted in ecstasy.

"Alright, so we all agree that we should make the best of this experience, right?" Onew asked calmly and authoritatively.

"Right," the remaining four boys answered in unison.

And as their car reached the airport, a feeling of wonderment and excitement overcame the boys.
They were ready to seize this opportunity and face the unknown.

Little did the boys know that their female counterpart was less than enthused to be in the same position.


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marshielisa12 #1
SaranghaeZEA #2
hahaha XD you should totally write that story! Key would say that lol
TokitaxShawol #3
Ahahaha! Key is such a girl that I could actually imagine him saying these stuff. You should totally continue this! :) But make sure to twaeak it a little. Cliche stories make me cringe. XD
jaycobisl #4
You should DEFINITELY write a comedy...... Actually, since you seem like a really good story writer, it doesn't matter if it's comedy or not, it'll be a great story eitther way. ......... ^^ I'm sure your fine. -_- Too bad I can't say the same for me.........