Shinhwa's back, where's DBSK? Shinhwa's Andy past interview when DBSK was on the verge of disbanding :(

Don't read if you can't handle too much tears :(

I was viewing the old news of DBSK and I saw this which really touched my heart and made me cry :(



In an interview with AE Daily Andy stated, “I know what the TVXQ members are grieving over what has transpired recently. This is a real shame and I hope everything can be resolved in a manner in which neither TVXQ nor SM are hurt over this.” When asked about the legal battle between the two parties he stated, “It’s hard to choose a side and it’s hard to determine who’s right or wrong. I cannot give an opinion about it. However, I believe artists need to stand up on stage. I hope they don’t lose their will and determination as artists. They should be thinking about their fans more than anything else.”

Andy also recalled when Shinhwa as a group gathered to see TVXQ. He stated, “Back then, TVXQ were so cool and talented that it was frightening. To see them from that high point to the current situation that they’re in is really sad. At that time I would’ve never imagined that this would’ve occurred.”

Currently some members of Shinhwa are in the military while others are concentrating on solo activities. He closed the interview by stating, “When Shinhwa can regroup one day in the future, as one, we want to stand together with TVXQ on stage. I really want to see TVXQ come back again.”

After reading this, my first thought was : Shinhwa has come back as a group...Where's DBSK who Andy said they want to stand together with on stage?

"AKTF" I said, but it's getting harder to conceal all my emotions now :(


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:( i also read this before and hope one day they can come back as a group like shinhwa.