World of Moonlight | Application


Application Form by TangNiYa

Name: Kang Dae Kwang

Nickname: Daye, Dae, Kwangie

Appearance Age: 20

What type of creature?: Vampire

ual orientation: Bi

Height: 178cm

Daye is a very gentle and kind person. He’s serious about everything he does and is very mature. He’s independent and doesn’t require anyone’s help. However, when someone else needs help, Daye is the person to look for. He’s very thoughtful and cares about those who are important to him and would do anything for them. It’s not easy to piss Daye off as he doesn’t believe in solving problems with a fight. But if he does get angry, it’s very hard to take him down. He’s not sensitive at all, but if something does bother him, he prefers to keep it for himself. He’s a very skillful fighter but he prefers keeping that to himself as well. It’s not hard to earn Daye’s trust even though he tends to keep problems and life for himself. He gives everyone a chance to be his friend. But if you ever play on him, he would never forgive you.

>His protectee
>Playing piano and violin
>Martial Arts

>His nickname Kwangie
>Fighting without a reason
>Hot weather
>Losing someone/something precious to him
>His family

>Looks at the stars every night
>Biting his lips while thinking
>Bites his knuckles when angry, frustrated or on the verge of crying
>Whistles when bored or happy
>Scrunches up his nose when annoyed or irritated

>Playing piano & violin
>Reading books
>Training his protectee
>Doing Martial Arts
>Horse riding

>Has a very good memory
>He’s a shape shifter; can turn into anyone if he has seen their face
>He’s good at fighting
>Can tell apart every single star in the sky

Daye has grown up in a family of Vampires who absolutely despised Vampire hunters and humans in general. He was the youngest son amongst his older twin brother Dae Sung and an older sister Dae Rin who was unfortunately killed by Vampire hunters, adding to his family’s hate of humans. Since he was a child, Daye was training how to become a good fighter and to develop his powers. However, Daye never liked the way his family thought of humans as he was a very peaceful child and didn’t like fighting. He still worked hard but he would never use his powers and skills without a particular reason.
He always had problems with his family because of his thinking that humans don’t deserve to be hated by his family. He would always be laughed at and isolated but he never cared. He had his own world and he was independent, by himself. Through the years, he developed into a great fighter and strong one that is, making a great competition to his older brother who was always praised by their parents because of his totally opposite nature to Daye’s.
One day, when Daye and his brother were sent off to a mission, they bumped into Choi Minho, a Vampire Hunter. Of course, they ended up fighting to death. Dae Sung would have killed Minho if Daye hasn’t stopped him. However, because Minho was bitten by Dae Sung, he was turned into a Vampire, a creature he despised the most. Daye took care of Minho and ‘raised’ him into a proper Vampire despite his family’s contradictions.
Minho became Daye's protectee as Daye took it his responsibility to teach Minho about fighting, his powers and the Vampire life. The two got very close and seeing that, Daye’s family was outraged and tried to hurt Minho. Luckily, before they even managed to do anything, Daye and Minho decided to escape and live on their own. They moved in with Daye’s friend Alexander and managed to move away from Daye’s family and the problems they caused to Daye.

Social relationships:
Choi Minho | Vampire (ex-human) | Protectee and friend | Minho was a human Vampire hunter before he was nearly killed by Daye’s twin brother Dae Sung. He became a Vampire and he hated it, being a creature he despised the most but after some time he accepted it. During the years Daye took care of Minho, Minho developed strange feelings for his teacher and friend. He sometimes acted like a brat towards Daye but that’s only because he doesn’t want to risk his relationship with him just because of these feelings since he believes Daye is not interested in men. Minho is actually very gentle and he cares about those he loves, in this case Daye. He is hard working and learns fast. He trusts only Daye and doesn’t know what he would do without him.

Kang Dae Sung | Vampire | Older twin brother | Dae Sung was always loved by his parents more that Daye and he always made sure that Daye knows that. He is quite rebellious and always looks for trouble. But he also likes getting Daye in trouble. Daye can’t stand his brother’s arrogance towards him which always gets them into fights; however, he would never harm his brother in any way. That is unless he messes into Daye’s life and with the people he loves.

Park Bom | Were-animal | Best friend | Bom is one of Daye’s best friends he trusts with his life. She sees him as a younger brother and Daye looks up to her. Bom met Daye when she was a teenager. She has known him ever since he was a child and always found him cute and adorable. Even though Daye is a grown up now, Bom still treats him like a child which often embarrasses him. Despite all of that, Bom respects Daye as much as he respects her and they are very close. Some people would even think that they are couple but they think of themselves more as siblings.

Alexander Lee Eusobio | Vampire | Best Friend | Alexander is Daye’s childhood friend and was the only one who seemed to understand Daye’s position on his family. He would always protect Daye against his twin brother and was never afraid to stand up to him or to Daye’s parents.  Daye and Alexander are very close, almost like brothers and Daye is one of rare people who are allowed to call Alexander by his nickname, Xander.

Appearance: Daye is tall and pretty masculine. He’s strong and very fast. He has small face, flawless, milky white skin, big azure eyes and plump lips. His auburn black hair reaches just to the bottom of his neck and usually wears it ruffled. However, from time to time his friend Park Bom braids it because she loves to play with his hair. – Ulzzang: Park Eun Byul | 1| 2|

Daye prefers anything that is not too catchy or uncomfortable. He prefers wearing jeans and V-neck T-shirts or plaid, cowboy shirts that would show off his muscles. He likes to wear leather jackets or dark rain coats on top of that along with biker boots. He doesn't like wearing any accessories except his belt where he keeps his pocket knife and sword when neccesary and his necklace that was given to him by his sister before she died.

Random facts:
>His eyes can change color according to his mood but he prefers having them blue
>Has a pet hawk named Yiruma; also owns a grey stallion named Thowra
>Has three tattoos: one on his left biceps saying ‘Born Again Still Your Son’, another one on his collarbone saying ‘Sweet Hell; an Infinite Hallucination’ and a
Sun on the back of his neck
>His nickname, Daye, means light; hence why the tattoo on his neck is a Sun

If Vampire
Power they possess: Causing someone pain without touching them, Shape shifting (turning into someone or something)

Weapon: Double Sided Sword


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