Sorry, but I'm back now!

So I just wanted to say sorry for not updating any of my stories for awhile and it's because I've been caught up with my CST'S FOR LIKE EVER!!!! Anyways sorry about that and I actually wanted to update on the weekend but it was Mother's Day in which I had bought my mom a spectacular ring and she LOVED IT~ Anyways I found time to update " My Neighbour?!" My first DBSK story and I thought I would update that since it has the smallest amount of chapters. ( note to self: stick to updating one story at a time)Well thanks for being patient but finally CST'S ARE OVA! YAAAY! So I will be updating lots and LOTS of " Appa Is In Love With Me" and I'll just stick to updating that story for now until I finish it, then I will work on all my other stories. Thanks for reading my stories and continue to read :)


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