Okay. Let me just say this.

Recently, I have been brought up to the arguments between AFF users about criticism on dbskgirl4ever's fanfics. About what is constructive criticism and what is bashing. 

Earlier today, dbskgirl4ever posted up a blog addressing the issue of 'hate' blogs dedicated to her, or rather, her stories. In her blog, she states how she has gotten over the constant haters because she is not a weak writer. She also states how she is not 'popular' and how she is just a normal girl who loves to write. But, what really caught my attention was this section of her blog:

Here's a simple solution: Don't like it? DON'T READ IT!

Also, I've read a blog where it's about me deleting comments.

1) I do delete comments. I will admit. But I only delete them if they're really critical and it sounds negative in a hateful way. Like you're only here to criticize me instead of reading what I write.

2) However I do delete accidentally at times. I don't know how many times I had to hunt down the reader whose comment I accidentally deleted. My mouse does this weird freezing thing at times or sometimes I'm not looking closely and I end up deleting it by mistake. So I try my best to go look for the reader and explain to them what happened. I even delete 'good' comments sometimes! And other times I even block people by mistake but good thing a warning comes up and I'm able to click no.

So...I read this blog where that person actually had screen caps of me deleting comments...that's interesting...

Do you really keep track of everything I do? That's kind of freaky...0_0


I do apologize if I do delete your comments when they aren't meant to be deleted.

I am sincerely sorry about that and I will be more careful not to delete them in the future.

On another note, there are many readers who think I'm arrogant and rude.

Honestly, I'm not. I sometimes don't reply to wall posts because I'm busy and I forget to.

And I'm not arrogant about anything at all. What is there for me to be arrogant about?

I honestly don't understand the readers that bash me for something I didn't do.

Again, I never asked to be on the list and I never asked to be featured. 

First of all, how do you 'accidentally' delete a comment? Even if your mouse does do a freezing thing, why are you clicking? Also, people know you delete comments because you have a reputation (I'm trying to state this in the nicest way possible) of being very ignorant when it comes to comments on your stories. People watch what you do to their comments to see how you would react. If you happened to 'accidentally' delete a comment, how come it's rare that we find a hate comment on your stories? Don't you think it is a bit hard to 'accidentally' delete a bad comment on your story every time one comes up because a majority of your comments are positive comments?

On the next note, (I'm not addressing the thing about her not replying to her wall posts.) I do understand that you never asked to be featured or to be the number one subscribed author. I get that, I really do. But, personally, your stories are only subscribed to much because they have basic language that anyone can understand and there is a lot of fluffiness and romance lines in there which makes the reader want to proceed with the story. 


I will try to improve and I will do my best in becoming a better writer.

But I notice the difference between one who critics for bashing and one who suggests for encouragement.

Haha, no. You say you will try to improve and try your best to be a better writer, but again, you're being ignorant about the situation again. As opposed to what you say, you don't know the difference between constructive criticism (or rather one who suggests for encouragement, as she says above. Do you not accept constructive criticism or something...?) and bashing. I have seen people try to provide you constructive criticism, but you take it as bashing and delete their comment. Heck, someone I know simply asked a reason for a character to do something in one of your stories, but I guess you took it as offensive and deleted her comment. What—? I don't understand... Care to explain?

Heh. I think I'm done here.

WELP, time to address the comments. 

Their just jealous and don't have anything better to do!>_<
Unnie your an am amazing writer DON'T DOUBT THAT!!
Keep on doing what you love , no matter what people think:)

Uh. Okay. If anything, you're ignorant too because we're offering her constructive criticism, but you're just listening to her side of the story. I have nothing else to say because the rest is basically support.


/shoots them/

I'm guessing their butthurt. LOL.
& they shouldn't be bashing you at all. 

I no understand their logic. -3-

Definition of stalker: a person who pursues game, prey, or a person stealthily.

Hm...I see no stalker. Please use your words wisely. And dwhy would we be butthurt? We're just trying to be nice people by offering advice.

Oh, and you don't understand our logic? Well, I surely don't want to understand yours.

I love you unnie~! Who ever that bash you out there they are bashing themselves because clearly they are STFU! LOL. I love you unnie! I will support you!

K. We are 'STFU'?

Dbskgirl4ever unnie please don't mind those haters!! They have no life :x 
I'm always here to support your stories so don't let them get to you XD 
haters are just jealous that's all! They will try anything to find a weakness, that explains why they're so S T A L K Y le gasp 8D So hwaiting unnie!!! <3<3<3

Ah, k. I admit it. I am jealous... hence, that is why I am 'stalky.' (I hope you all understand that that is sarcasm.)

To: dbskgirl4ever

I am sorry if this post has hurt you in any way. But, as everyone says, the truth hurts. In fact, I want to offer you some constructive criticism and advice.

We provide you with constructive criticism, not bashing, because we are aware that you are a role model for many readers here on AFF, hence you being number one most subscribed author. Please try to accept it the best you can. Please try  to not delete any comments. In fact, when reading comments, try to keep your mouse all the way to the top, left, or bottom of the screen. This will work out best for everyone. Please only delete comments when you absolutely know that it is bashing you (i.e., Your stories are disgusting.). Trust me. We are trying to help you the best we can for the future writers of AFF. Also, if you know that you are not able to answer wall posts, you could post it up on your status on your profile. Just leave a note saying, "I'm currently busy at the time. If I do not reply to you, please understand." Simple as that.

Lastly, I applaud you for being able to withstand all that haters have put you through like transferring stories to your account and such. You are very strong. Keep up the good work and dedication, (:


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omg I LOVE this, I really like her but sometimes it seems like she's a TINY bit too sensitive about "haters" for a college student -_-
Oh, god, I can't express how much I love this: "In fact, when reading comments, try to keep your mouse all the way to the top, left, or bottom of the screen." YEAH, YOU TELL HER.