I really shouldn't expect much from this site.

It really astounds me that the level of immaturity and blatant disregread for civility on this site is so high. I understand that the majority of users are probably preteens or young teenagers, therefore lacking the ability to respect another person at the most basic level.

I really wonder if this site was ever a fun place to be as a whole, not just with a few friends that keep to themselves mostly. A lot of people in this site seem very elitist, thinking that they're superior just because of the amount of subscribers or featured stories they have or who they know. What they fail to realize is that no matter what outstanding qualities that they may have in regards to popularity (or, dare I say it, possible writing skill) that a personality trumps all. If you have a ty personality, then are you really that great of a person after all?

When I joined this comunity about a year ago, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I just hope that one of these days this site will turn around and become a more welcoming environment. 


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