To my Subscribers/ friends

Hey guys~ im sorry about not updating as much as i could. =.= its just tht im so stressed out and finals are coming up~ and i have to ace all my tests in order to get a 3.7+ gpa, so plz understand.

SUBSCIRBERS: u can stop if reading this. the next paragrpah is a bit personal.... but u can read it if u want. idc

today,i just feel totally off. :/ one of my 'friends' (u know who u are) just called me a non- b2uty just because i wouldnt let her lend beast's 1st album tht i am definitely buying when it comes out. I mean seriously i have to say i am one of a hella selfish b2uty. But tht doesnt mean im a non-b2uty. Then when she called me fat and a jerk.tht just crosses the freaking line. First just cuz my mom and i call me fat doesnt mean im fat. I am 5'6-5'7 ok? i dont have a freaking huge belly with a size 15 jeans size. (im only a size 5-7) and u just have to on aff and go to my oneshot and say tht my story ? U DONT HAVE TO READ IT GODDAMMIT OK?! JUST CUZ I DONT UPDATE IT DOESNT MEAN U CAN ASSUME IT SUXS OK? WAY TO GO DISCOURAGE ME. u know i have a life. U cant control it but i can. u cant just tell me wht to do. ITs ANNOYING. I can do wht i want when i want.okay? i can update when i have the time. okay? U CANT ALWAYS GET IT UR WAY. i learned tht my whole life. SO BACK OFF AND LET ME DO WHT I WANT. DONT CROSS THE LINE.

I really do think of u as a sister, and i do really love u (as a sister).SO dont cross the freaking line. Cuz its thin and its gonna break if i hear one more ing (sorry i swore pretty pissed) discourgment. thx u~ for spending time to read this. srry if its a bit confusing. but yea. I feel better now after i wrote this. ^ ^


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That's really prick. If i had the album, I wouldn't lend it. You need to understand how much care the owner has for it & want to keep it good. Also, bashing on stories has nothing to do with it, so dont. <br />
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And you're not fat! You're skinny since you're so tall! I'm like 5'8 fo i KNOW. <br />
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haters~please dont be a hater!~<br />
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