Checkmate's Chapter 11 is..



So hard to do ;~; I cried just thinking about it :( 
Will come in an hour~
And thank you for everyone who supported Another Summer Day Has Come and Gone Away :') It's currently my favorite fic although it's just a oneshot. I know it wouldn't be as meaningful as it did if not for Kangin's comeback but nevertheless, I am so happy I made it. This is the feeling I think I've lost in the past months, the feeling of just writing because you want to, not because for the comments, views and subscribers :)
And I want to say sorry for saying I'm stopping Checkmate, I could never do that. I just realized how precious it is. I am inlove with it just as much as Kyuhyun is inlove with Yoona. And I don't care to those who were talking behind my back that Checkmate II's disappointing because I know it's not. It would be one of the best fics I could ever make and be proud of, so stay put and watch :)
Ahh, I'm so happy. Off with C2~


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