To My Beloved Subbers..............

Okay, as you can see, I have posted stories.. I have to put them up coz both the "Write New Story" button and my brain kept nagging at me to add these stories even if I haven't written them and all that I have are storylines/plots.. It's sort of my way as well to remind myself that I had this story idea that I will write down and share when I can.. I won't be writing them anytime soon to give way to the others that I have put up earlier.. Or maybe I'll do that when I feel like it.. Idk.. I haven't abandon those ideas, if you must know.. I just couldn't find time to really write them since I work.. And even if I'm not at work, I still have lots of things to do(and I manage to squeeze fanfic reading, just to relieve stress).. I really need to buy my own laptop...... *creys* ;A;


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