People on AFF - The Writers


People on AFF


Welcome to another blog post of Kuroba is bored (taken from smosh…the name.)

Today, I’m going to do something completely random and just see how this turns out.


There are many types of people of AFF, and I’ve sorted them into various small groups, and then put them under a larger group. I think I’ll separate them into different blog posts too, since I’m going ice skating in a couple of hours, haha.




1)       The bad writers that can’t take criticism

These people are the ones that write like they haven’t even graduated from primary school yet, but they just can’t stand a simple critique from all you fellow readers.

They write like this:

Jonghyun: ~~~~~ssi, waeyo? Saranghae! Why don’t you sarang me back!

And when you saying something like this:

There are various points I want to point out about this particular fanfic. I suggest you either stick to one language (preferably English) or minimize the amount of Korean that you use (and please make sure they make sense. Why don’t you sarang me back just doesn’t sound right.) Instead of using ~~~~~ as the OC’s name, why not make one up for her? I’m sure any name would look better than a couple of squiggles. And finally, please, don’t do script writing.

They turn out like this:

300movie.jpg Hu do u think u r?!?!?! If ya dun lyk my fanfic that DON’T READ. I do what I want and u have no rite to tell me what to write or not! B*TCH!




Some may not be as bad as the listed example, but most of them are close enough.


2)       The bad writers that can take criticism, but not do anything about it.

Not as bad as the first type, but still not my type of person. They wall you or send you a private message saying that they are thankful for the ‘comment’ that you left on their fanfic about places to improve. But when you go back and check it, it’s still the same, crappy fanfic. Don’t go around thanking people for things that you aren’t even going to use. What’s worse is when they ask you/thank you for commenting and subscribing, when you haven’t even done the ‘subscribing’ bit (Personal experience)

E.G: Omg, kamsahamnida so much for the comment on my fanfic! Please continue to support me, and thanks for the comment and subscribe!

Sorry, I don’t subscribe to anything apart from writing tips. So please, don’t think too highly of yourself and check if I’ve actually subscribed to you.

3)       The bad writers that can take criticism, and actually does something about it.

You have my respect.


4)       The good/popular/well-known writers that can’t take criticism

Now this is when things start getting bad. They write good, but since no one is perfect, there will be one or two occasional flaws that you may encounter. This includes typos, choice of words, vocabulary, grammatical errors and a bunch of other related things as such. However, when you point out a mistake they made, they go ape on you, or simply delete your comment like it’s going to kill them if other people see it.

A perfect example would be dbskgirl4ever. I used to have neutral feelings towards his fanfics since I disliked her style and all those other things. However, when I came across a particular blog post about her actions (for those who are wondering: ErisChaotica’s blog post named ‘Explanations for dbskgirl4ever’s recent predicaments?’)

Apparently, she deleted this particular author’s comment after she pointed out something that was incorrect. This is clear evidence that she can’t take criticism and is held up so high by her ‘loyal’ subscribers that once you point out something wrong, she deletes that comment of yours.


5)       The good/popular/well-known authors that can take criticism and actually does something about the story.


Probably one of my favorite groups out there. Though I can’t name any from the top of my head, these people should be respected for the fact that they are willing to improve, no matter what kind of comment you throw at them.

6)       The almost non-existent persistent writer

I fall under this particular category. These people are the ones that update so less to the point where they are practically non-existent. Their updates come monthly, and some may take up to a couple of months. However, if the chapter and the story are good and written well, then I guess the wait will be worth it. Even with that said, it really is just to see how loyal your readers and subscribers are, and how patient some of they may be.  


7)       The trolls

If you don’t understand or know what an ‘internet troll’ is, a simple explanation is that they are people are go around doing things that are meant to confuse or trick people into thinking that they are dumb, when they are really being sarcastic. These people tend to do really stupid things.

I know of one author that wrote two obvious trolling fanfics (which I will not name). It was so ridiculous up to the point where I was thinking if Nichi should remove it since it was taking up two precious spaces in the database (if such thing exists) However, there were 20 something subscribers, and I’m sure they were just there for a good laugh.


That concludes the writers section. I think I’ll write another section soon and post it tomorrow.

P.S: if you have anything you want to add to the list, feel free to post it in the comments below, and I’ll pop it up there.
Have a great day guys :D



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sometimes people can be too arogant when their writings are good and that simply sad :/
Onceuponafanfic #2
I think I'm going to do my own post about categorizing authors/writers, now. Thanks for the inspiration. xD
Sometimes the people who are better at writing are only better because they're native-speakers of English, and if you compare them to the non-native speakers in terms of familiarity with literature and the actual writing process, they're pretty much the same. So essentially, they're lucky they were born in a place where people speak English all the time or learn it from an early age.
Flourish #5
i'm still starting out writing fanfiction, so i wouldn't exactly know which category i fall in to.
but i love this omg
but from what i've seen already, this blog post generalizes the majority of the writers here /perfectly/.
I'm not sure if there's a point in distinguishing between the good and bad writers who can't take criticism. Their attitude is the same, and I actually kind of value attitude over writing quality at times because nobody likes delusional and rude people. -_-"
Ohh nice XD I'm not a writer so I can't be put into this section :D