You're so ..

..I didn't ask for it to be over, but then again, I didn't ask for it to begin. I'm sorry, I know I was wrong too, but love is something you can share in two, I can't, alone, to give love for both of us.

You know, I really, really wish I saved all the tears so I could drown you in them. You hurt me, so much. If you wanna love me, you should love me with all my strengths and weaknesses, because nobody is perfect. I'm so paranoid because I don't wanna get hurt anymore.. my heart has so much scars and bruises. I, personally, don't know how much one heart can take, but I don't really wanna know.

I sit here and think about everything that happened this past week and not a single tear runs down my cheek. Maybe its because I'm too hurt to cry, or maybe I'm just to mad at you.

→  Sorry, my friends, for making you confused, I'm also like this now. I just needed to release all this pain inside me.. You know, I never was that kind of person to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mending whole was good as new. What is broken is broken!  For me, I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

What do you do when the only person who can stop your tears is the one making you cry.. Ah? What do you do?

Just hit play and watch my life fall apart.. Whoever said The hottest love has the coldest end was so right!

Why do I waste my time? Why is it that you're so damn irreplaceable?!


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