I am SICK AND TIRED of people saying that they hate a type of music just because they can't understand it. I MEAN, COME. ON. To me, music is the universal language. SO, WHY. IN THE WORLD. WOULD YOU JUDGE A SONG. OR GROUP. BASED ON THEIR LANGUAGE AND NATIONALITY?!?! WHY?!

               If you ask me, I can't understand most of the Kpop songs I listen to. But that's just because I interpret it myself. The beat, the melody and HOW it is delivered gives me an idea of what the artist is trying to convey- be it sadness, anger, happiness or romanticism. Now, that gives me something to ponder and think about. Something to simulate my mind. THAT to me is art- an abstract work that teases and makes the mind work.

                IF YOU PEOPLE. JUST STOP. MINDING THE LANGUAGE.And think about the quality of his voice and its timbre then, it actually becomes very beautiful.

               Well, I know that not all people think like I do, but please. Stop misunderstanding Kpop just because of the language. Because you Kpop haters have no brain to even comprehend the message it is TRYING to say through the complicated harmony. Which, I might add, is much more complicated than words. If you can't, then just please respect the music as an artform. And the artist as a person. But, if you're a stubborn *beep*, isn't that what translations are for? Then you might actually think of it as something different and innovating.

Sorry. It's just that I haven't eaten yet..and I'm tired and I still need to know how Tumblr works and...LKJTHGJSSDLKJASRKJ.


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Agnieszka #1
Yeah, those people need to stfu, at least they're not like THOSE TYPICAL American songs that are only about , drugs, partying, being crazy and s-s-s n m-m-m ISN'T THAT RIGHT RIHANNA?
jeniscool100 #2
OH MY GOSH! I AGREE 1000000000000000000% WITH THIS! <br />
I don't understand why language has to be a deciding factor in the music people choose to listen to either! O.O<br />
I mean, for real, I listen to music in soooo many languages it's not even funny! But just as you said, I love trying to figure out what the message of the song is myself before looking up the lyrics in English and, honestly, I think it's more fun that way!(; <br />
And what you said about art being an abstract concept that teases and makes the mind work...I AGREE. That, to me also, is the best kind of art there is!(:
TokitaxShawol #3
@Erin, some of our classmates.
Go Alex! Why who made you feel this way?? :o