♛ The Masked Parade ♛ Application



AFF Username: TheBestOfKpop

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/115589 

What do you want me to call you? : Michelle or Chelly is good with me =D



character info:

Name: Nana, Micha

Nickname: Mi

Who Uses the Nicknames: only close friends

Birth date: 06/13

Age: 15

Weight: 110 pounds (50 kg)

Height: 5'5" (165 cm)

Ethnicity: 1/2 Chinese, 1/2 Korean

Language: mandarin: fluent | cantonese: fluent | korean: fluent | english: conversational

Blood Type: O


performer profile:

Stage Name: Mini since she's so young but people usually call her by her real name. Even some fans call her Micha instead.

Persona: Adorable Baby. She is cute and loves using her aegyo especially on camera. She doesn't let fans or cameras see her other side.

Position: Main Vocalist⎢ Main Dancer⎢ Main Rapper⎢ Visual ⎢Lead Vocalist ⎢Lead Rapper ⎢Lead Dancer ⎢Sub-Vocalist⎢ Sub-dancer ⎢Leader


  • acting

  • playing piano

  • composer

Actor/Actress, MC, Model etc: actress in small and usually short dramas and dancing/acting in CFs


family & history:


Mother | Nana Changyoon | Korean | deceased | was a dancer | 40 (at time of death) | Micha and her mom never really got along. Even at age 9 (which was how old she was when her mother passed away) Micha was a rebel. She didn't like to follow the rules, including her mother's rules. The two fought often and it irritated Changyoon as much as anyone that Micha never seemed to have an emotional reaction to anything. Still, she was the one person Micha believed genuinely loved her.


Father | Nana Seohyun | Chinese | policeman | 48 | There is barely an relationship between Micha and her father. He is always busy at night with his work and he sleeps during the day. If Micha tries to wake him he will beat her. He is definitely not the fatherly type and when she does talk to him, she calls him "Seohyun". She hasn't called her dad "Dad" or "Daddy" since she was 6. Micha is lucky if he says more than five words to her in a single day. Micha desperately wants his love, but knows him too well to hope for it. She now refuses financial aid from him and doesn't answer his phone calls (however rarely they come). She has not seen or talked to her father for over a year.


When you first meet Micha, she seems almost like a puppy. Her adorable face and cute little smile make most people melt and go on and on about how adorable she is. She uses her aegyo like there's no tomorrow and just about everyone falls for it. She smiles and is peppy and loves to jump around. She is very active and it's almost impossible to get her to stand still for two seconds. The cutest little teenager ever who it is impossible not to love. Like I said, this is when you first meet her. However, when you get to know her better you learn that she's just as close to bipolar as a sane person can get. The cute thing isn't an act. Well, at least it's not entirely an act. She really does like using aegyo and she has a good time having people fawn over her. The only problem is that she is really an evil little devil. At least, that's what people call her. She's the type of person that can hurt someone unbelievably deeply (using words obviously) while having on a cute smile that it's almost impossible to believe said those awful things. She insults people, talks back, and generally pisses people off all the time. But she doesn't do it for any real reason other than she loves to see people lose their cool and freak out on her. That's the other thing. She NEVER loses her cool. She always keeps on a cute smile and no matter how many nasty things you say to her or how mean you are, she won't be phased. She also has a comeback for everything. Her mind works quickly and she can find something to say in response to anything you say.

Loyalty is not in this girl's vocabulary. Betrayal is. She often uses people to get what she wants and to manipulate the things going on around her. Boys are her favorite type of person to manipulate and she is incredible at it. She doesn't mind stabbing people who trusted her in the back. She likes getting what she wants and she will go to any length in order to get what she wants. This includes insulting, seducing, ticking, and using even her closest friends. The only exception is her best friend Jisu. Somehow, Jisu found a way to get through to her and has been a mother figure for Micha ever since. She is the one and only exception to Micha's normal behavior.

But, of course, every back-stabbing has a soft side. A hidden side. Micha's is small and the only one who knows about it is Jisu. But it exists. She knows deep in her heart that all those things she says and does is wrong and believe it or not, she actually does have feelings. And every cruel word hurled at her does actually hurt her. She just absorbs it.... almost like a sponge. But every sponge needs to be rung out every now and then. So, ever once in a blue moon, Micha will call on Jisu and cry for hours onto her lap and tell her all the awful things people said and all the awful things she said. The next day, it's always as if nothing happened and Micha goes right back to her normal cold, decieving self.


Micha was an accident. Her parents hadn't wanted a baby. Or at least her father didn't. But still, it happened and (being strict Christians) they refused to get an abortion. So Micha was born. Her father paid no attention to her existence, but her mother fawned over her cute little baby face and her tiny hands. Every detail was fascinating and perfect to Changyoon. Seohyun worshiped Changyoon and loved her with all his heart, so he eventually came around and began helping with Micha. The family was relatively happy, though there were no luxuries in their apartment. The family wasn't extremely close, but they got along.

Then, it happened. Cancer. Melanoma to be exact. Changyoon had gotten sunburned a lot as a young adult. And now she was paying. When she was diagnosed, everything turned upside-down. Seohyun began to go crazy. Micha began to turn bitter. Money was tight and despite the desperate savings (including eating one meal a day for weeks) they could not afford the removal of the cancer cells. Then it was too late. Changyoon passed away when Micha was nine. At the funeral, she screamed awful things about her mother, her father, and anyone who tried to approach her. She cried and cried. Until a stranger approached her. Micha continued her insults, but this woman didn't seem to be bothered. She pulled Micha away from the staring crowd and into an unoccupied room. She began to wipe Micha's tears and comfort her despite the endless stream of insults and curses form Micha. The woman was Xiah Jisu. She had been a dancer under Micha's mother.

The day after the funeral, Jisu came to Micha's house and insisted on checking on her. Micha strongly objected and found new insults to hurl at her. Still, Jisu can the next day, and the next day, and the next day. Jisu came to the house every day for as long as Micha was in that house. They were short visits. But meaningful and comforting. Eventually, Micha accepted that Jisu wasn't going away no matter what, so she opened up. Jisu is the only one who Micha can depend on and talk to. Jisu became like a new mother to Micha and Micha was secretly glad to have her.

Then Micha's dad beat her. He had been doing this since Micha was little, but this time was different. Micha was 14 and she had done nothing wrong. He just came home at 8 am and beat her. It was bad too. He probably broke some of her bones. She had bruises everywhere. Micha ran. She ran so hard and fast that she had run a mile from her house in a mere four minutes. But she didn't know where to go. Her feet automatically took her to Jisu's door. Jisu welcomed her in and Micha has lived there since. She makes her own money and, for the most part, supports herself. As mentioned earlier, she doesn't accept financial aid from her father and hasn't seen or talked to him since.


  • pulling at her hair when someone isn't affected by her insults

  • laughing when she screws people over

  • tapping her nails on a surface when she is waiting

  • always keeping a calm face

  • biting the inside of her cheeks when she gets scared

  • closing her eyes when she's thinking

  • her lips while she's planning her next move in getting her way


  • acting: a natural born actress

  • singing: it was a natural talent of hers that she harbored. it used to give her a pass time while her dad was asleep and school was out

  • dancing: from when she was little and wanted to be like her mom

  • composing lyrics: they are usually extremely harsh but it helps her get her feelings out

  • plotting: she likes to make plans of sabatoging others and she often carries out these plans

  • insulting people: a natural talent like singing and (however sick it may be) one of her favorite things to do


Kyuhyun (Super Junior)


Kyu is, in a sense, evil like Micha. But not like Micha at the same time. He is evil in his own way, poking fun at his fellow members and insulting them, though not as harshly as Micha. The thing is, everyone loves him. He is evil and everyone loves him. The rivalry on Micha's side is more jealously than anything else. She wants to be loved, though she would never admit it, but she can't help but be her demonic self. This boy gets the best of both worlds: evil and love. As for Kyu, he never really had anything against Micha. Until they got into a huge fight and Micha threw a comment (she doesn't even remember what it was) that wounded Kyuhyun deeply. They refuse to talk to each other and are cold toward each other.

Love Interest(s):

Baekhyun (exo-k)



 Kai (exo-k)


Jonghyun (SHINee)




Xiah Jisu




  • she currently lives with Jisu

  • she has a tattoo of a yin and yang symbol on her lower right back

  • she was a trainee for only 2 years

  • she originally wanted to be a dancer like her mom, but after the fights began she stopped dancing. only recently has she begun to dance again



Ulzzang Name/ Picture Link:  Song  Ah  Ri

 1 2 |  3 |  4 5


Comments/Suggestions/Thoughts: My app goes along with Acarlex's since she's Xiah Jisun =D. And if you need an explanation for any of my love interests feel free to ask me =D. The only problem is that I'm going to be gone for the next week on vacation and there's no internet, so I won't be able to respond for a little while unless you get it too me before six thirty tomorrow morning........ Mianhae. But if you need to change anything.... go ahead =D I'm flexible.

Oh.... and...... Wonderful Tonight Unplugged =D


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excellent unnie~!!