I'm in love with this Drama...

Can You Hear My Heart is an amazing drama! *O* I'm so glad I decided to watch it!!! You should watch it.... It's from the same company that made Personal Taste with Lee Minho *o* <--- This story has me awe struck I just love it. A human drama about a beautiful love story of a man and a woman who overcome acquired deafness. The love story of Cha Dong Joo, man who's been rendered deaf after an accident but pretends he can hear, and Bong Woo Ri, a woman who's intelligent but pretends she's dim-witted to protect the dignity of her mentally handicapped father. http://www.epdrama.com/can-you-hear-my-heart/can-you-hear-my-heart


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You should try to see (I mean if you didn't) It's Okay daddy's girl ^^
sounds really good. i will have to check it out after i finish m wife is a gangsta. lol ^^