Chester College

So, I visited Chester College in New Hampshire today (just a quick 15 minute visit) and I love it!!!! I'm only a freshman in high school so I've got time, but omo I totally wanna go! They have photographhy and best of all WRITING<3 And know what's even better?! My dad was like "Oh what's the website you write on?" and I said "Well, it's called because I listen to Asian music..." *feeling awkward* The lady goes "Oh, we have a lot of people here who like that kind of stuff!" I say "Oh, that's good!" But on the inside I was all "YAYYYY! I'll have people to relate to and fangirl withhh!!!" I can see the dorm parties now. All of us prancing around "I'm so curious~ yeah!" Hahaha, jk. I'm not much of a partier, but that's the kind of party I would go to;D haha. But on a serious note it's such a lovely, small campus made with old style homes and barns. Everyone is really friendly and the classes are no more than 12 people! Mucho gusto! ^.^ Anyway, I will contain my excitement now and update the next chapter of my story. Anyeonggggg~! C: 


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banapple195 #1
We can be in college in the same state! But ill be graduated by then :/
mrsb2st #2
Wow, that's so awesome~!!! I like the small classroom size... Sounds like a really nice school~ x)

I hope you get in and can partayyyy it up w your fellow kpop loving classmates~ heeee ^_*
Awww that's so awesome! :3
I'm so happy for you ^^
I bet you can't wait to enroll into that college now xD haha