Mystery Lineage Application

•Basic Info•

*AFF Username: TheBestOfKpop

*Profile Link: 

•Character Info•
*Name: Lee Akiko

*Age and birthdate: 17 13/06/94

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

*Personality: She is herself and no one else. She doesn't try to go with the crowd and she couldn't care less what other people think of her. She likes to stand out in the crowd and show people that she is not just another face. She is Akiko Kim, the one and only. She doesn't try to hide behind a mask or cover up who she is because she is genuinely proud of what she thinks and feels. She will go around telling people her opinions on things and what she thinks whether you ask her to or not. She loves telling the world who she is and what goes on in her head. She won't care if you disagree with her. She actually enjoys getting into heated discussions over any topic whatsoever. Of course, winning is her first priority and she will fight until she's blue in the face before finally backing down and admitting she was wrong.

You might think that a girl with such strong opinions would be narrow-minded in the way she looks at the world. In Akiko's case, it's the opposite. She loves to learn new things and hear other people's opinions on a matter. She enjoys traveling to new places, trying new foods, learning new things. Anything simply with the word new (as long as its not attached to an item) attracts her. Because of her intense drive to learn, she doesn wonderfully at school earning her straight As and a reputation as the smartest girl in school.

Though she may be book smart, Akiko is by no means smart in other ways. She often speaks without thinking first. She blurts things out without even considering the impact they may have or if they are really appropriate for the situation. She has lost many friends this way and she is not the one to tell a secret unless you want it to spread like a wild-fire.

Akiko is also very outgoing. She can walk up to a random stranger and intorduce herself with ease. She does it all the time. It doesn't matter who they are or what they are doing, she can talk to anyone anywhere at any time.

She is also extremely independent. She doesn't like relying on others and often refuses help. So much as an outstreched hand to help her off the ground if she falls is rejected coldly. Akiko believes that if she becomes reliant on others, she will become weak and vulnerable. This happened with her mother (see background) and she swears that she will never let that happen again. She doesn't mean to be cold, but her past brings back memories whenever she is about to accept help from anyone.

Akiko is very determined to do her best at everything. She doesn't give up easily and once the goal is in sight, she sprints for it at full speed. If she sets a goal for herself, she will stop at nothing to acheive it no matter how ridiculous or impossible the goal is. It would take a solid wall blocking her path to stop her once she gets going.

She is very reserved and doesn't open up easily. This comes from her refusal to depend on others. She doesn't trust people with her secrets. Earlier, it said that she is not afraid to show people who she is and that remains true, but telling people her secrets is another story. It's the one topic that its nearly impossible to get Akiko to talk about. She doesn't trust anyone with her secrets. No matter how close a friend you are, she won't say a word.

Akiko is a dare devil who never refuses a challenge. She likes to run wild and do crazy things such as bungee jumping, skydiving, and white water rafting. If you give her a challenge, she will fulfill it whole-heartedly and excited to be doing so.

Akiko is very peppy. She likes to smile and jump around. She is always doing something, being active and lively. The only time she can be seen sitting around and relaxing is when she is in a bad mood. This is the time you REALLY don't want to be around her. She throws fits and screams her head off when she gets upset and her temper is famous. This is rare since she genuinely doesn't care what people think of her. The only time she bursts out is when people repeatedly push her buttons.

*Likes: (4+)

  • anything new
  • challenges
  • being active
  • having fun
  • smiling
  • laughing
  • jogging
  • public speaking
  • telling people what she thinks
  • arguing
  • chocolate
  • spicy food
  • winning
  • playing Truth or Dare
  • dancing


  • people who have the same name as her
  • masks
  • relying on others
  • salt and pepper
  • relaxing
  • lazy people
  • losing
  • being upset
  • people who pick their nails
  • fake people


  • Shouting at people when they pick their nails even when she doesn't know them.
  • Running up to random guys on the street and telling them they're hot.
  • Dancing in place when she hears a song she likes
  • Speaking without thinking.
  • Smacking away hands reached out to help her up.
  • Responding to an offer of help with a cold insult.


  • Blood Type: O
  • She has a tatoo of a bird in flight on her lower left back.
  • She has no memories of her parents.
  • She is currently top of her class.
  • She has no idea that she is not a human.
  • Her eyes are brown but sometimes they get this weird red tint to them (it happens every full moon though she doesn't realize the pattern).






*Ulzzang/Actress used: Kim Seuk Hye AKA Joo 

•Family and Past•
*Family members: mother | Kim Kiyomi | deceased | Akiko knows nothing about her except her name and that she was killed.

father | Kim Seughyun | deceasded | Akiko knows nothing about him either.

aunt | Kim Misook | deceased | Akiko has no memories of her and has never asked about her since she has always been  trying to find things out about her parents.

adopted father | Lee Jae | deceased | Akiko only knows what her adpoted mother says of him and that is that he was a good, kind man who truely loved Akiko despite the fact that she was not thier baby.

adopted mother | Lee Aimi | alive | She is kind and fun but she worries about Akiko and what she does. She is like a real mother to her and she loves Akiko like she is her own child. She can be a bit of a burnden, but Akiko admires her bravery and loves her very much.

*Background: She was born in Tokyo, Japan. Or so her mother has told her. Of course, it's no ther actual mother. It's her adpoted mother. Both parents are dead. No one knows exactly why or how. It was the first day Akiko had been taken home from the hospital after her birth. The next morning, they were found dead in a pile of blood and gore. They had been killed mercilessly and viciously. Akiko was found between the two bodies, the blood soaked deep into the blanket that wrapped around her. She was fast asleep. Akiko was taken out of Japan and shipped to Taiwan to live with her Aunt Misook. The same fate ended her life. The police began to assume a murderer was stalking the baby's movements. They transfered her very secretly to Korea to stay with a woman and her husband who had offered to adopt the baby. Akiko was only a little over one month old at the time. About a month later, the man who had adopted Akiko suffered the same end as the other three. The woman, however, was untouched. Because of these occurances, Akiko has been marked as cursed. No one has died since, but the murders remain infamous and unsolved.

Of course, what was never discovered was that it was Akiko who was the murderer. And a minor detail that was overlooked: all of the deaths occured during a full moon. I know what your thinking: werewolf. Wrong. She is a dragon. A dragon that takes the form of a human. She is a type called a night dragon. When the moon is full, her power hightens. During the first two months of her life, she was unable to control this hightening and therefore transformed and killed without realizing it. Once she passed the age of two months, the power became locked away inside her and until she knows that she can use it, she won't be able to access it.

•Mysterious man•
*Your mysterious man: Nu'est's Ren (haha you get it.... NEWest since Akiko likes new things...... sorry for the cheesyness), Super Junior's Kyuhyun, SHINee's Taemin (sorry I have a thing for maknaes)

*What is he?: Elf (not like a Santa's Helper elf, more like a Lord Of The Rings elf)

*Personality: He remains quiet most of the time. He prefers to look arouind and observe his surroundings before making any moves. He likes to plan things out carefully and consider both the pros and cons before making a decision. In other words, he is the total opposite of Kiyomi.He is patient with both people and life in general. He doesn't try to rush things along and he knows how to wait.

The real down side is that it is nearly impossible to get him to talk. He likes to stay silent and listen instead of talk. Still, he is warm and kind and cares deeply about the people who are close to him. He is a loyal friend and would do anything for people he loves.

He is masked in mystery. This bugs Akiko since she hates masks and would prefer if he just came out and told people things like she did. That's just not his way. He likes when people wonder about him and he almost never opens up. About anything.

First encounter: sorry, I honetly can't think of anything. Maybe they haven't met yet.

*Rival: SISTAR's Hyorin

*Personality: She is a total . She likes to flirt and seduce guys. Especially dongsaengs. Whenever she sees a girl with a guy, she has the strong urge to go over and steal him from her. She rarely suppresses this urge. This stems from insecurity and jealousy. She has never had a serious relationship and has often been dumped after a guy is done with her. They see her as easy. Still, Hyorin has her soft spots. She likes puppies and she tries her hardest to make friends when she can, but she often fails. She is lonely.

•Other info•
Anything else?: Good luck with the story!!! If you need me to change anything feel free to ask.


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