Bringing Home...... Multiples App


Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye AKA Joo





Name: Atanae Kiyomi

Blood type: O

Age: 22

DOB: 6/13/86

Ethnicity: Japanese - Korean

Personality: She is fun-loving and energetic. She loves to be active and do crazy things such as bungee jumping, sky diving, and white water rafting. she is known as a complete dare devil and she has been heer entire life. She can't say no to a challenge no matter how obsurd or impossible it may seem. Of course, it is difficult for her to get out of this habit of being a dare devil. You never know what she's going to do next. She has been described many times as spontaneous and unpredictable.

She is also very peppy. She loves to smile and laugh and she has a great sense of humor. She is often known as the life of the party and is always ready to provide entertainment wherever she goes. If you see her frowning or looking upset, something is very wrong. The only time she has ever cried of sorrow was when her dad passed away. Tears of joy are a different story. They come all the time.

It doesn't matter if she's at a funeral or night club, she hates seeing people sad and, without thinking, she will try to make everyone feel better. This is one of her worse qualities. She doesn't think before acting. She often lets her instincts and feelings get the best of her and she doesn't attempt to stop them when they tell her to do something. Sometimes, she ends up doing something completely inappropriate (not in a dirty way, more like she does something at the wrong time and place) such as cracking a joke at a funeral or asking random guys to dance at a night club she went to with her husband.

Partner: Kwon Jiyong (G-dragon)




Partner's band: BigBang


Partner's blood type: A

Partner's personality: Jiyong is almost as crazy and happy as Kiyomi. He smiles a lot and loves to give and receive hugs. He has lots of energy, but he also has some common sense unlike Kiyomi. He is often the voice of reason to her and keeps her out of trouble. He is also the real brains in the couple. While they are both book smart, Jiyong is really the only street smart one. He understands what to do when and how to stay out of trouble much better than Kiyomi. Still, he also enjoys having fun as long as it doesn't go too over the top.

There are times when Jiyong becomes depressed. Often times its due to his work as an idol, but there are many other things in his life that put stress on him. He is usually very good at holding it in, but every now and then it explodes within him. All his grief and stress come to the surface and cause him to go into a state of depression. During times like this, Kiyomi is the only one who can get him out of his funk. It takes some time, but her smile and comfort always find a way to get through to him.

How long have you and your partner been together?: They have been married a year and were dating for two years before that.

Are you married?: yes, their anniversary is May 15th, 2011

How did you meet?: Kiyomi is a dancer and worker under YG as a trainee for a few years. They met in dance practice when Kiyomi worked as a backup dancer for them. The two didn't like each other at first. In fact, they were rivals. They both wanted to be the best dancer there and (even though Kiyomi was only a backup dancer and G-dragon was an idol) they were neck and neck. The two practiced extra hours working on the dance nonstop, but the entire time they were practicing together. Eventually, they began to talk while practicing and they realized how similar they were. Instead of competing, they began helping each other and giving pointers on how each could improve. They kept in touch after the filming was over and began seeing each other.

Do you have kids with eachother before this pregnancy?: no, this is her first pregnancy

If so, How many, their names, genders, ages, and personality: NA

How many babies are you expecting?: 3

Do you know their genders?: two girls and one boy

What are the names you picked out?: Airi, Minji, and Hiraku (boy)

What does your apartment look like?:


The Roof:


The babies' room [s]:

natural wooden babybox design 


minimalist cupboard furniture 

your bedroom?:  






other kids bedroom [s] : none

Bathrooms: (I know that this technically wasn't on the application but I saw it in the stories and decided to include it =D)





Your family: Mother: Atanae Misook | 50 | Japanese | alive | She is a worry-wart and always tries to keep Kiyomi out of trouble. She sees the world as a dangerous place that needs to be kept under a watchful eye. She is extremely paranoid and has a way of looking at the worst of things. She is a complete pessimist and she freaks out over the tiniest things. This being a huge contrast from Kiyomi's care-free attitude, the two do not get along well and never have. Misook is also very stubborn and will not give up a fight even if she knows she's wrong. She wants everything to be done her way as she believes her way is the only correct way. | safety instructor

Father: Atanae Sunghae | 50 | Korean | deceased (10 years ago) | He was where Kiyomi got her sense of humor and fun-loving spirit. He often cracked corny jokes and almost always had a smile on his face. However, he had an awful temper and when it got lose, you didn't want to be in the room. He never got violent, but he had a way of shouting that could scare anyone half to death. | was a manager of a jewelry store

His family: I couldn't find anything on his family other than his older sister's name and his dog. I also know that both of his parents are alive, but I am not sure of their names.

Older Sister: Kwon Dami

Dog: GaHo

how both sets of parents took it, finding out that you two were expecting?: Kiyomi's mom was in shock. She couldn't believe that Kiyomi had gone and got pregnant at 22. When she heard that she was having triplets, the woman almost fainted. She accused the couple of being reckless and that they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. She starting spewing out all the negative sides to having a baby such as the expense, the sleepless nights, the constant care they required, the precise way the baby had to be raised in order for it to turn out well. She then stiffened and said that she would take in the babies and raise them as her own since she claimed to be the only one around who knew how to raise a perfect child (she claimed Kiyomi's father had messed Kiyomi up and that now that he was gone the three babies would be angels). Of course, Kiyomi argued with her and the couple whole-heartedly refused her offer (more like a demand, but whatever) and stomped out of the house.

Breaking the news to Jiyong's parents was much more pleasant. The two congratulated the couple and asked all the details (when they were due, genders, name ideas, ect.). It was a rather normal meeting since his parents are much more laid back and relaxed. They offered some financial support if the couple needed it and Jiyong graciously thanked them and promised to keep the offer in mind.

how well you get along with eachother's family: On Kiyomi's request, Jiyong has almost never talked to her mother. They have exchanged a few greetings and Jiyong has witnessed some of their arguments, but he has rarely said more than two words to the woman and has only ever seen her at the wedding, and about three other times at special events. Kiyomi rarely talks to her mother on the phone or in person and Jiyong doesn't push her to tell him about her mother.

On the other hand, Kiyomi gets along very well with Jiyong's parents. She often goes out to lunch with them (since they live only about half an hour away) and she calls them every week. They have become almost like parents to Kiyomi since her mother was never exactly ideal and her father passed away a long time ago. They have a wonderful relationship and she often goes to them to seek advice. They often know of new updates in Kiyomi's life before Kiyomi's mother does.


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