application for We're going to have tuttors?!


Contact Info-


Profile Link

Name: Ok Jinhee

Nickname(s)[N/A for none]: Jin, babymonkey (called by her brother to her)

Age: 21

Birthday[format-mm/dd]: 05/19

 Ethnicity[must be at least half asian]: Korean

Place of birth: Bedford, Massachusetts

Hometown: Seoul, SOuth Korea

Looks[At least 2 pictures of the ulzzang and the name of the ulzzang]:

do hwe ji


Weight(In kg): 47 kg

Height(In cm): 170 cm

PersonalitlyShe's a very smart girl and is a top on her class.She's strict and a calm girl. She wants everyone should listen to her when she's tutoring them or else she'll go wild. She can be strict but she can also be very sensitive, she can’t scold a person due to what she/he has done. She'll just sigh and close her eyes and will take a deep breath. She trusts persons easily but ends up crying when some of them just use her for money. She's also outgoing and a cheerful person, if you are good to her she can show to you her carefree and happy side. She can be very gentle when handling friends in trouble. She never allows anyone to hurt her friends or family. She's a sweet girl to her parents and siblings. Despite she can't scold persons she's tutoring to, she can hurt people who dare to hurt her family and friends physically or emotionally. She can also be very stubborn. and sleeps during class hours.


Languages she can speak[Not more than 5]: Korean, ENglish, Japanese, Mandarin

Likes[+5]: • kids


• monkey stufftoys

• paintings

• horror movies

• color yellow

Dislike[+5]: • snakes

• frogs

• liars


• boring classes

Habbits[+2]: •She likes to run around and squeal

•She sleep walks

•When she thinks of something, she always stares blankly with mouth open

•falling asleep regardless of the place or position

Trivia[N/A for none]:

• have a star shaped tattoo on her neck


Your 'student': Jung Daehyun






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55GothicRoses #1
Okay.thank you
55GothicRoses #2
I forgot to post this in the applicaton form but what subject are you teaching him[cannot be more than 3]