Application form ^^

Application Form:

AFF Username: kikichai

Profile Link:

Your name: Michelle

How often are you online? Everyday.


*character bacground:

Name: Kang Minah 미나

Nickname: Mimi or na.

Age: 19

Date of birth: August 16th.

Birth place: Daegu

Height: moderate



Pictures of uljjang or artist:

Uljjang or artist’s name: Hwang Mi Hee


Fashion/ Preferred Clothing: Comfy knit clothes, big sweaters, knits, skinny jeans, uggs, boots.


Personality: Minah is a quiet and reserved person. She isn't one of those types that do aeygo, she isn't a ice queen, she isn't one of those people that get what she wants. She rather blend in the crowd than stick out like a sore thumb. Even though she's really quiet, when she gets mad, she's at her worst, usually when she's mad a path of destruction follows. She has a few 'friends' that try to talk to her even though she rejects them quite often, she's happy that someone appreciates the fact that she exists. She's a pretty girl, but she rather study than hang out with boys all day long. When people ask her what her power is, she says she powerless or she's a late bloomer because she keeps her power a secret. Anyone that has seen her use her power is afraid of her that's why its hard to become close to her, even though she comes as quiet.  Although she comes as a poker faced girl, she laughs and smiles around the people she loves. When it comes to family and friends, she'll protect them no matter what, even it if costs her life. Her family means everything to them, even though she was brought up as a orphan. She also likes to solve problems no matter how hard they are, she always manages to solve them.

Background Minah a sweet girl when she was little, she had a older and sister brother who loved her and parents as well. . She got angry once and killed her brother who was 20 at that time. Minah's parents got mad at her and kicked her out of the house and cut ties with her.  She began living on the streets for 3 years. She became quiet, reserved and emotionless after her brother's death. She was sleeping in various places, until one day a ahjummah came along and found her and took her in as her own daughter. Her aunt (who is the ahjummah who rescued her) is a respectful person, she loves Minah even though Minah rarely shows emotion around her. Minah has a job of working at a cafe, her co-workers at the cafe never really talked to her since the only feedback you would get from her is a glare. Her father Kang Daehu is her father, he's a doctor at a hospita, her mother Park Yeon Soo, she's a  homestay mother, her brother is Kang Donghyun and her sister Kang Misoo.



Likes [at least 5]  Reading, chewing on pens, small bunnies, eating candy, blue skies, the forest, midnight, dukbbokki, her bed, instant noodles and violin.


Dislikes [at least 5] Loud people or noises, people who do aeygo, es, ice queens, dirty places, beaches, cats, people who don't mind their own business, sticky tape, bandages and the wind.


Hobbies Basketball, cleaning things that seem dirty to her, playing the violin and sleeping.


Habits Biting her nails, cringing, laughing when she's really, singing in the shower, eating really fast, being lazy.


Fears/ Weaknesses Being alone, exposing her body to other people, fire, open water (oceans, lakes, rivers)


Strong points Debating, Violin, being able to think fast in tight situations,


Trivias - She's really messy

- She tends to keep her feelings to herself.

- She chatters when she's feeling scared

- She stutters when nervous

- She has a very low tolerence for loud noises.



*Being in the other world


How did you find the book that transported you to the other world? [I might tweak this, though] or are you from the other world originally? She's orginally from the other world.


Since you will be helping the others achieve a certain goal, what can you contribute to the group? She can climb trees, branches, etc. She's not afraid of getting hurt (falling off trees) she's good at scouting.


Who are you most close with? Her auntie (who looks after her)


How did you feel being transported to a foreign world? Feels weird at first, of course she was scared but slowly she gets used to it.


*Love Story:


Love Interest: Sungyeol or Dongwoo


His Personality: Sungyeol - Sungyeol is the choding of course. He loves to play around with people but not to the point where he annoys them. He always brightens up the mood when everyone is feeling down. He loves cheering people up, even though he might seem as a choding he can be serious when he wants to be.

Dongwoo - He's a hot tempered guy with a low tolerence for everything. People are intimadated by him since he looks grumpy but he isn't. He's very loyal to his friends and family and wouldn't do anything to hurt them. Sometimes he's playful and sometimes he's realyl grouchy. His friends dont' know this but he is extremely romantic but doesn't show it because he thinks his friends will make fun of him.


Is he from your world or from the other world?

From the other world

How did you two meet? When the group was getting lost, she came along and started to help them around. Eventually they get closer by the days that they are together.


How do you act around each other? They act friendly with each other but they have feelings for each other but they don't realize.


Do you have any rivals? Yes, her sister.


Anything else you want to say that I forgot to ask? Nope (: Thanks ^^


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