i am in love with a korean idol.

i am in love with a korean idol. im not going to say who it is because it shouldnt matter, but i love him and whenever i think about the fact that i love someone who will most likley never know i exist i start tearing up and crying. im not even sure why i love him, hes generally not my type even though he is a very kind and giving person actually i think i might even end up being annoyed by him a lot if we ever were to become friends but for some reason i fell for him and i cant seem to get over him at all s!b: hellllooo do you seriously think people would believe me everybody will just think im a stupid obsessed fangirl who is brainwashed by this man s!b2: ive told my friend once before and she just laughed it off like it was a stupid joke, even though i played along it really hurt and she follows me so shell probably just laugh about it again

Nur Najihah


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