Elitists: Why they should hang it up.


Ok there are some things in the AFF community that I have found to be obnoxious and just down right ridiculous. That is KPOP elitists. Let me explain...

No matter what it is you identify with, there are always "elitists". People who find themselves to be better than everyone else and present themselves as being the authority of something, when in real life they are only narrow minded, self absorbed idiots.

Example: I come from a Punk Rock background. This is the BEST example I have to compare to KPOP elitists. In the punk rock community, people are judged by patches and studs. The patches you wear displaying your favorite bands are analyzed and judged. A kid wearing a NOFX or RANCID patch is looked at as being a poser because they are not displaying bands like Distopia or Nausea. Arguments break out among the community as to "how punk rock" you are because of the bands you display. To me it was always bull. I like who I like, and in typical, anti systematic, punk rock fashion I would tell these elitist s to go themselves. (Most punks are anarchists, meaning they do not believe in systems, i.e. systems of government, classism, or anything else that could lump people into groups and rank and control them. Weird how a group of people who believe so strongly and are so anti would be such douche bags based on a simple back patch on a sweat shirt.) These people tend to be cliquey and alienate anyone who is new or slightly outside of the realm of the standard they have set for themselves and their friends. (however at school they are alienated by the "cool" kids for not fitting into a standard set by the popular crowd and their friends..... They became what they hate. This is why I no longer identify with the Punk Rock scene....)

However, this blog is not about Punk Rock.. It's about an entirely different animal, KPOP. I love KPOP. I love the music (that's right, the chick who had sported a killer flaming pink Mohawk, torn fishnets and was anti everything, who only listened to music consisting of gritty vocals, double bass drums and shrieking guitars is ALLLLL about the cute little mass produced, prepackaged and repackaged Korean boys dancing and singing electro pop.) Both genres make up who I am, and no matter how crazy the combo, they both make me happy.

My issue is that like the punk scene, I have found elitists in the KPOP scene. There is a page I subscribed to on Facebook, who will block people for sharing their articles. Don't get me wrong, I love the page. They have a lot going on and the people who run the page are funny. However, they have an issue when someone shares their articles. Articles that they themselves have shared from Allkpop or Soompi... They have blocked people for sharing this information... when they only reposted from a source. I find that to be  a douche bag move.

On AFF however, there are people who claim to write reviews about stories, only to publicly rip the person apart for grammar or plots. A review is supposed to be strictly content based. It's the quality of the story or the idea of the story, not if the person used the wrong form of the word "there". That would be an edit, which is something that should be done through messaging, not on a blog for the world to see. I would be horrified if I asked some one to review my story and they tore apart every little mistake I made grammatically on an open forum. As fellow writers, shouldn't we be helping each other improve the total quality of the content on the site, not tearing each other apart? Who gives any person the right to be so condescending to someone when they asked for an opinion? How about instead of talking about how much the persons writing , you send them a message asking if you could edit for them. Or for people who have lots of friends and who have friends who have editing shops, you suggest a shop they take their story to for a quick edit. Now you're helping the person make your life as a reviewer easier and helping the person improve their writing, instead of sounding like a naggy, whiny little in a blog. You're not helping to solve the problem, you're only letting the problem continue. Maybe you're a person who just likes things to about. If that's the case, it's obvious nobody likes you in real life. Thus, the first reason why you should hang it up.

The second thing that I  find to be a waste of time, space, notifications and life are people who post blogs about how cliche plots are. It's cliche to post lists of things that are cliche. What confuses me is, there are people who post these lists and offer NO solution as to how to make a cliche topic not so cliche. Now I do admit, the arranged marriage thing on AFF is over played. It's very drama based and predictable for the most part. However, it is possible to take that super cliche theme or plot and make it something totally fresh. You can mix other elements and make it exciting. Maybe it's an arranged marriage between a troll and an imp. I know it sounds silly, but how many arranged troll/imp marriage stories do you see on AFF? Not many, if any. You see what I just did there? I explained how something was cliche and offered a SOLUTION to help make that plot not so cliche. By offering solutions, you're allowing the people to actually think about your opinion without having them think you're an . Now they are focusing on making their played out plot new. I guess the word of the day is PROACTIVE. I feel if you are going to about something, you need to be able to offer a solution to fix it.... again, for the people who like reasons to about things, this will be your reason number two as to why you should hang it up.

Like I have stated in my profile, I am not here to write a literary masterpiece. I am not an English major, or do I find myself to be the authority on grammar. However, I do agree with some of these elitists when they about mistakes in stories. I feel as writers on the site, we do have a responsibility to at least do a once or twice over of our content to make sure it's at least a smooth read. I don't think people should be posting things all willy-nilly without having another set of eyes looking over it, at least once. However, I also believe a few mistakes are ok, if it does not disrupt the flow of the story. We were all taught context clues in elementary school and if someone s up a few words here or there, we should be able to just deal with it and figure it out. I don't think people who don't have a second set of eyes looking at their stuff should be subjected to public postings of how their writing . If it's a story you want to read and it's poorly written, is it so hard to take the energy you would use to about it in a blog and just send the person a message saying, "Hey, you might want to look at this again before posting, I really like the concept but the mistakes are a little distracting." I find this to be the writer courtesy equivalent of telling someone their skirt is tucked into their underwear after they leave the bathroom. You know yourself, how embarrassing it would be for you to be in that situation, why leave someone else in that situation? Right, because you're an , and for the kids playing at home, number 3 as to why you should hang it up.

Lets take a moment to talk about the people who are posting these blogs ranting about what everyone else is doing on the site, yet have 6 or 7 stories they have  not completed posted. OK, so you're a good writer. You have strong opinions on things. GREAT! But you have 7 stories just sitting around with a few chapters here and there. Plus, you have a few stories that are "on hiatus". WHAT ARE YOU DOING? You have so much time and so much to say about everyone else, yet you have nothing to show for yourself.  Why do you think you have bragging rights? What makes you amazing? To talk you have to be the . You have to be able to say "you and I don't and here's why." and show what you have done. I can give 2 s if you're a good writer if you have 6 or 7 incomplete stories. What is the point of having skill if you're just going to use it all half assed. My suggestion is to shut the up and finish your . Talk after you've written and completed an amazing story. Don't want to wait? Then hang it the up!

And what is this hiatus ? I understand if something in real life happened and you can't complete the story. In life happens. I get it, but some people use it as a cop out. Maybe their story has begun to and they don't want to finish it. Instead of just saying you have to think about the plot and reedit, you put it on hiatus. Pretty lame. There are people out there putting stories on hiatus because they don't feel like writing it anymore. If that's the case, don't put it on hiatus, just announce you're a lazy who enjoys disappointing people and would much rather post blogs about other peoples stuff instead of taking responsibility for your own . Authors who are like that, I would unsubscribe in a heart beat. I look at the other stories of the authors I read. If I see 6 or 7 incomplete stories, I don't even bother and by pass. I don't care how good your idea is, if there are a lot  incomplete, you're now a waste of time, and I'll go read that completed story that you announced to everyone was so ty in your blog. It might be poorly done, but at least it has a little orange "complete" next to the title.

This may be the biggest issue I have with some of the elitists on AFF. Posting things that make you look like a bad . These people are great. They set rules for how people should approach them, yet they want to be little s and talk down to everyone. WHO ARE YOU? You're a screen name on a KPOP fan fiction site. Who are you to threaten, demand or require people to do ? You can ask people and guide them to do things using tact. Not everyone has tact. Tact is the ability to explain to someone in great detail how much of a they are without being aggressive, insulting or an . It is also used to get people to do what you want without being a Nazi. People respond better when you treat them with respect.  Saying things like "If you with me there will be hell to pay." What are you going to do? Oh no, you might waste time NOT completing your story to write a nasty blog about how much of an I am. Fun Fact: I'm not going to lose sleep over your little piss ant blog. You can go yourself while you're busy hanging it up.

These are the things I have found to be obnoxious. I give everyone a fair shot. If you disagree with any of the above issues, please leave a comment. I don't care if you're insulting, my feelings will not get hurt, trust me. I find, sometimes people can be so cruel because they hate themselves. If you're one of those people who do any of the above mentioned and you are offended, GOOD! You should be. You should also take a long hard look at yourself and list the reasons why nobody likes you and work on changing it. If not, then hang it the up. You'll be doing everyone a service.



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This blog pretty much lays out what I think ^^
Im not saying that a reviewer, or anyone for that matter has to sugar coat their opinions. There is a way to give an honest opinion with out coming off like a douche. It's done everyday in the business world. But when someone is barking about professionalism and being totally unprofessional in the same blog, i dont know.... blogs like this get written :)
thats what im saying. a cliche could become something great with some tuning. lets face it its almost impossible to escape a cliche plot, but with a few new elements it could be something great.
my issue is not with reviewers at all. they provide a vital service on sites like this. my issue is with presentation of the review and harping on grammar instead of content. if im going to review a story and a grammar bomb has gone off where to the point of distraction, i would message the author and offer to A edit and fix some mistakes or B ask them to proof read their work before submitting it for a review. authors have just as much responsibility in the reviewing process as the reviewer. my main issue is when people become judgmental in the review as opposed to objective.
the main point of this blog is that there are people who are so worried about criticizing everyone's work and they have nothing to show for themselves. They have 5 or 6 unfinished stories, but have a 100 blogs on how much everyone else .
and this wasnt written because someone gave me a crappy review, i was just flabbergasted after reading some of these types of blogs.
like i've said before, i dont consider myself a writer, im an artist. Just like if i was to take a piece ive created to someone and ask them for suggestions on how to make it better, i would expect some kind of respect in how they deliver those suggestions, not demoralize me to the point where i wouldnt want to paint any more. And i certainly wouldnt feel good about having them do it in an open forum.
I think as artists (and writers) we need to stay humble, no matter how good we are. There is always someone who is better than us and always someone better than them. Having the ability and opportunity to ask for help is crucial to the advancing of our craft. Shouldnt we make the people asking for help feel comfortable with the help we provide by encouraging them to do better, not making them feel worthless?
I hope you don't mind me commenting on here, I just look up blogs ^^; But I agreed with you on a few things actually.

I like it if people point out my grammar flaws, grammar is a huge part in writing if people type in chat speak throughout their whole story I just won't read it. And about cliches: I LOVE cliche story's actually XD I've written a few myself, but haven't we all? I try to make a cliche story more original and not too predictable; but it's not easy sometimes is it?

I respect the reviewer's on this site and other fanfiction sites, because they really took their time to review someone's story if they are nice and polite in correcting my story for any error's I like them :)

But if they just cut my story down because of my grammar...whole different story there -_-
I think we are probably getting off of the subject. This was only a rant about people (specific people) who choose to state things they dislike in their blogs and offer no solution as to how NOT to do those things. This was not about reviewers at all. In fact reviewers are appreciated. I do not believe she was intending to get down on reviewers at all just the fact that people do not seem to have time to write their stories but find plenty of time to rip other writers apart or about things they don't like and we shouldn't do. All the while doing some of these same things themselves.

none of us are writing professionals, (believe me, I would be very excited if I seen James Patterson posting something on this site) and we don't expect to see a professional reviewer either. We would all be ripped apart by a professional reveiwer, especially myself!

if editing is part of the review so be it, that's not even the issue, it's not WHAT you say but HOW you say it. Some people get the idea because their stories may have been featured and people like it that they are the and can talk to people however they want. This is the issue, not anything regarding reviewers.
I agree with what you are saying in regards to a writer not at least giving a story a once over before posting it. If every other word is spelled wrong or there is crazy punctuation, you're right it is hard to read. that's why we, as writers have to take responsibility for the things we post and to try to make the read a smooth as possible. My issue is, which maybe i should have specified, is that there are some reviews who harp on those mistakes, and publicly post how terrible everything is, when it could be just as easy to ask the author to double check their work before asking for a review. Just like in school, you would not hand in your rough draft for a term paper as the final product. Why would you do the same if you want your story reviewed. Maybe this is the whole "every action produces a greater or equal reaction" thing. My question is, why wouldn't a reviewer say "I can't review this until you make some changes"?
You're analogy was a good one, and like i said, i don't disagree with you. I have just seen some reviews that, at the end of the day, were just edits. I think we are seeing two sides of the same coin.
Cadenzasus #7
Pardon me for saying this, but I do believe this blog sounds a bit elitist.