Beliebers Need to Shut the Up and Sit the Hell Down

So here I am, minding my own damned business. Scrolling through K-Pop videos, namely Boyfriend videos, because to the people who know me on this site, know I'm a Bestfriend.


And then, I see this bull.














Now look, I'm usually a reasonable girl. And I will tolerate as much as I can, but such level of stupidness..


, someone's gonna get slapped.


First of all, they're Korean. NOT Japanese. NOT Chinese. If you're going to insult somebody, at least get your ing facts right.


Secondly, Boyfriend's debut song Boyfriend? Has been out for nearly a damned year. So I don't see what the these es are going on about "OMG, they totally plagiarized my precious Justin Bieber. They're SOOO gay."


Umm.. excuse me? , you did NOT just get all homophobic on me.


Do these Beliebers seriously think that they have a right to call anyone "gay" in the form of an insult?






Wasn't your precious idiot's main problem after he got famous was that people kept ing at him about his uality?


So bastards, you of all kinds of fans should know how it feels. Didn't you go around defending him as going to the stupidest lengths to prove to people that your stupid beaver isn't gay?


You should know how ing frustrating it is then.


So shut the up, and sit the hell down.


'Cause Bestfriends aren't taking your bull nonsense. Especially not this one.


Our idols have worked long and hard to gain the popularity they have now. Do you seriously think that those 8 million views was all thanks to your stupid beloved?


Honestly, excuse me for being such a "-hurt" fan, but there's a reason why a lot of K-Pop fans don't like beliebers.


It's because of stupidness such as this.


I cannot believe that they even have the ing audacity to call my boys gay.


Like, I understand that the K-Pop industry is insanely different from the Western industry but dude, BELIEBERS calling my boys gay?


Are you ing with me here?


AND THE RACIST COMMENTS. , don't even get me started.


There's a difference between not being able to tell Asians apart and just being outright a .


And of course, the Beliebers above, are outright being a .


Ugh, this . I feel sorry for the Beliebers who are actually reasonable people.


They have to say that they're a part of one of the most ed up fan bases ever.

Reblogged from : iwishforyou21


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beliebers need to shut the ____ up and sit their asses down.
zerramin #2
@eizanyeol:Can't they see that there are 6, I repeat 6 boys jumping in midair in the thumbnail thingy nad they click on it?! Except you of course...but, can't they use they're common sense?
just saw this now and I'm a reasonable belieber and kpop fan. >_>
not all beliebers are like this and jb's not gay. .-.
but yeah i hate people like this. racist.
they'd tick me off too.
LOL you reblogged my blog post? I feel loved <3 My angry rant's kind of embarrassing since I barely ever get mad, but LOL thanks for the credit xD
I didn't mean ALL Justin Bieber fans are racist btw, I just meant 'those' fans you put on here.
Just came across this blog...oh my god those JB fans are racist and homophobic! I'm not bashing Justin Bieber, I just think he's a spoiled brat and don't care for his music.

But those Bieber fans have some nerve, using gay as an insult makes me so mad when people do that. They think of it as an insult? Homophobes that's what they are in my opinion.

I don't complain about Justin all the time, so why should his fans complain about K-Pop? A lot of people assume K-Pop fans bash and hate Justin Bieber which is WAY off in my off in my opinion.

I don't look up Justin's video's or songs and bash them, why? Because I have more common sense then that. I actually LISTEN to what my brain says, while some people don't seem to manage that very well hm?
baoZicaekeu #7
@funeelil1~ i agree with you!
I agree with you. Funny thing is, those beleibers or what ever Justin Beiber's fans are called are ignorant to the music world. They act as if Justin Beiber's "Boyfriend" is the only song titled Boyfriend when there are actually several other artists with the same title, EX: SNSD, Big Time Rush. Any k-pop fans familiar with the title "Somebody to Love"? Yes, JB had a song titled this but VIPs never complained about him having a song titled that. Plus, look at Bestfriends right now, we're not going on Beiber's video and trashing him.

In my opinion, I think we should just stop. If Beiber fans want to trash, well that only shows what kind of fandom they are. I will ALWAYS BE A BESTFRIEND.....
Sometimes I believe that westerners are more racist than asians. We're more unique and diverse than they are. So yea,I'm just pissed off than any other person alive seeing these kind of unreasonable, stupid comments. They live in such a tiny world. They just have too much pride to know who they are dealing with.
you're pretty awesome! <3 lots of love from me!!
zerramin #12
why cant they just leave them alone if they think they're gay?!