That's as good as it's gonna get.

^^ Hiiiii-yeom~ 

What's new, what's new? Welp for me, it seems like everything is pretty okay. I'm on my second week of spring break, which is also my last. 

; n ; I don't wanna go back to school because, well, I hate everyone. Think I'm exaggerating? I'm not. Well, maybe just a little. Life at school

is pretty much the same thing. I hate it. I'm at a high school where all the people I would die without are nowhere to be found. To make it simpler, 

they go to a different school. The only people I'm left with is about 3-4 people that I wasn't exactly too close with in middle school. I mean,

now I'm close with them, but we've pretty much accepted the fact that that's as good as its gonna get. We're all pretty disappointed we can't all be

with the rest of our friends at a different school. /sigh/ Somehow I've survived though. I hang around with those 3-4 people in addition to a couple

 kids from a nearby middle school. They're okay. One of them calls me names like we've known each other for years and it annoys the

out of me. He's cool some other times too though. I guess that's why I haven't left the group...and, plus, where would I go? I feel like I've got no 

other choice. Oh well. It's only for the next 3 years that I have to deal with that. /:


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